Gospel of Matthew (class notes) Flashcards
Audience of Matthew
Jewish Christians (Christian Jews) who are open to Gentile inclusion.
Date of Matthew
80-100 AD (post-mark according to the working source theory)
When was Gospel of Matthew attributed to Matthew?
Early 2nd Century
Structure of each of Matthew’s 5 major divisions
A narrative + discourse
What does each of Matthew’s 5 major divisions end with?
“and when Jesus finished”
How might the 5 major divisions of Matthew have aimed to evoke 5-book structure of Torah?
Herod’s killing = Pharaoh’s killing sons
Josephus’ tradition of moses: Dream to deliver (like Jesus dream to save sins)
Moses on Mt Sinai = Jesus on Mt Sinai
Moses fasted 40 days, Jesus fasted 40 days
Jesus is the new Moses?
Inclusio in Matthew
Beings with Emmanuel (God with us), ends with Jesus saying “I am with you always”
birth = ___ in Greek?
birth = genealogy
Significance of 14 generations in Genealogy
DVD = David in Hebrew. adding up alphabet = 14.
Or 7x2
Shows a divinely appointed time.
Why women in genealogy?
None are Israelites. All are scandalous. Relates to Mary’s situation.
Divine aspect in Beginning of Matthew
5 prophetic fulfillments in 1st 2 chapters
Star in the sky
5 dreams (divine guidance)
Matthew vs. Mark stilling the storm
In Matthew’s, Jesus is portrayed more authoritative as Lord.
How does Matthew portray disciples?
Better than Mark does. “little faith” better than no faith.
Disciples understood parables
Which gospel mentions the church?
Which gospel has Peter walking on water?
What does Roman church use for foundation of Pope and church?
Matthew’s gospel: Peter’s declaration that “on this rock I will build my church”
Who are the little ones?
Believers. Disciples of Christ
Which gospel has consideration of porneia for divorce?
What portrayal of Judas in Matthew’s gospel?
Maybe sympathetic portrayal
Matthew’s passion narrative depiction
Adds rocks splitting, tombs opening, earthquake, bodies raised, etc. (like God’s presence in OT).
after “My God, … why forsaken me?”, God appears.
Which gospel is guarding tomb found?
How does the great commission fit Matt’s portrayal of Jesus?
good Q