Gospel of Mark (class notes) Flashcards
Audience of Mark (and evidence for it)
Predominantly Gentile (explains Jewish practices, translates Aramaic terms)
Which Gospel targeted those experiencing afflictions and persecution?
When was Mark written?
65-75 AD
When was ‘Mark’ attributed to the Gospel of Mark?
mid 2nd century
Why was Mark attributed to the Gospel of Mark?
Papias tradition, “Mark the interpreter of Peter” (Eusebius)
Which Gospel wrote unorderly but accurately? Which wrote orderly?
Mark. Luke was orderly
Who’s ‘Mark’ in Gospel of Mark?
Maybe John Mark (as suggested as Peter’s friend in Acts)
Structure of Mark
Ch 1-8: Galilee ministry (Jesus as sower)
Ch 9-16: Jerusalem (Jesus as son of God)
Dramatic Opening –> Galilee –> Interpretive Center (transition) –> Ministry in Jerusalem –> Dramatic, open-ended conclusion
Why is Mark’s opening considered ‘dramatic’?
Dramatic Irony. The audience knows something that characters don’t.
How did Mark’s gospel start?
Title, quote of scripture, John the Baptist, Jesus’ baptism, temptations
Interpretive Issues of beginning of Mark
How do the first 4 verses tie together?
Title –> Quote + John or
Title + Quote –> John?
Which Gospel doesn’t talk about the 3 temptations?
What’s significance of ‘wild beasts’ in Mark’s story of Jesus’ temptation?
Relates to Adam christology. Jesus with wild beast = Adam with beast. Adam was also tempted. How would Jesus get through it?
What does Isaiah 43 talk about?
The wilderness (relates to Jesus in wilderness)
Mark 1:13 or 1:15 is end of the opening?
I’d say 1:13. He starts preaching in 14.
Jesus is powerful in both ___ and ____ in Mark’s gospel
word and deed
What kind of chapter is Mark 4?
A parable chapter
What are some showcases of Jesus’ divine power in Mark’s gospel?
Calms storm (ch4), exorcism (ch5)
Exorcism in Mark 5
Drives demons into pigs. Parallels with chapter 1 (Jewish v. Gentile through the synogague v. tomb)
What does Legion mean? Significance?
A thousand troops. Roman connotation. Pigs = unclean.
Connection of pigs to Gentile
Healing story in Mark 5
Jesus heals Jairus’ daughter and bleeding woman.
What does faith have to do with the healings in Mark 5?
Both showed faith.
The Family Rejection in Mark
Jesus’ family (own people) rejected him. Was accused of being possessed (unforgivable sin).
Mark 1-8 characteristics about disciples
They were growing in dim-wittedness and obtuseness
Which gospel portrays the disciples better? Matthew or Mark?
Why Messianic Secret?
Historical explanations: apologetic (too many ppl following Jesus), political reasons to reinterpret Messiah’s mission
Theological reasons: deflect emphasis on Jesus’ miracles to his sufferings
Which gospel has an anti-roman imperial perspective?
Who confessed Jesus is son of God in Mark’s gospel?
Demons, centurion
Why “pass them by” for Jesus walking on water?
relates to Exodus and 1 King. “glory passes you by” and “the Lord was about to pass by”
Literary device where beginning and end of a section relates to one another
Passion (meaning)
to suffer
3 Passion Predictions and Structure in mark
Each is followed by a misinterpretation by disciples, then Jesus teaches about discipleship after that
Significance of interpretive center
the “way of the Lord” becomes defined in terms of suffering. Bartimaeus shown as true disciple who “followed Jesus on the way”
Jesus gets more open about his identity
How’s the death of Jesus portrayed in Mark?
Dark, Lonely, Forsaken