Class Notes (Luke and John) Flashcards
What’s the audience of Luke?
To Theophilus. General Christian/Gentile readership
Date of Luke
Who is Theophilus?
Maybe a high-ranking Roman official. Name means “friend of God” or “loved by God”
What do we know about author of Luke?
Based on tradition, he’s possible Gentile. Well-educated physician.
Inclusio in Luke’s Gospel
Begins and ends in the temple. Praise and joyful tone.
What kind of beginning is Luke? How so?
A scriptural beginning. Both writing style and content
Luke Annunciation Stories (significance?)
Zechariah, Mary, and Shepherds
Same pattern as OT annunciation stories
What was pattern of annunciation stories?
Angel appears
Gives sign
Elements of Scriptural Beginning in Luke (4 things)
Annunciation Stories
Embedded Psalms
Language like Septuagint
Character Parallels
What embedded psalms were in beginning of Luke?
Mary’s praise, Zechariah’s prophecy, Heavenly Host’s praise, and Simeon’s praise
What are the character parallels in beginning of Luke?
Zechariah/Elizabeth parallels Abraham/Sarah
Mary parallels Hannah
What is a foundation motif of Luke and Acts (based on scriptural beginning)
Promise and fulfillment (of God’s promises to Israel)
Differences in divine appearances between infancy narratives
Matthew has angel appear to Joseph in a dream.
Luke has Gabriel appear to Mary while awake
Differences in political/social situation between infancy narratives
Matthew has threat of Herod
Luke has Quirinius tax
Differences in ‘vibe’ between infancy narratives
Matthew is ominous
Luke is joyous
Which infancy narrative involves angels and shepherds?
What are the 2 emphases in Luke’s gospel at preparation for public ministry?
Jesus as son of God and role of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ life (baptism, temptation, genealogy)
Messianic inference of Jesus at the Nazareth Synagogue
What does Acts add as commentary?
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me –> “he has anointed me”
Acts includes “God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit …”
3 Passages from Luke’s “Little Interpolation”
- Sermon on the Plain
- Simon the Pharisee and “sinner” woman
- “Ministering” women
3 Major Themes in Journey to Jerusalem in Luke’s gospel
Life eternal (salvation), Reversal, Character of God
What’s special about Luke’s last supper
2 Cups. Maybe reminiscent of passover meal
Interpreting sword verse in Luke
Can’t be taken literally.
Something to note in Prayer-agony scene in Luke
“sweat like drops of blood”
a strenuous effort in prayer, athlete-like
What is emphasized in death of Jesus in Luke’s account?
Jesus’ innocence as Martyr. Pilate, Herod, criminal, centurion. “The righteous one”
What’s Maccabean tradition of Jesus’ death?
A suffering martyr
3 Sayings on Cross for Luke
“Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing”
“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise”
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”
Difference between Synoptics and John regarding ministry travelling
Synopitics: 1 journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. (1 year ministry)
John: 3 Passover journeys (more than 2 years ministry)
When does temple incident occur in synoptics vs. john?
Synoptics: last week of Jesus’ life
John: beginning of ministry
Difference between Synoptics and John in miracles
Synoptics: Miracles are ‘powers’ (divine power and authority)
John: Miracles are ‘signs’ (that Jesus is incarnate Word)
Difference between Synoptics and John in parables
No parables in John
Difference between Synoptics and John in final meal
Synoptics: Bread and cup vs.
John: Footwashing
Audience of John’s gospel
Johannine community. Break in Jewish synagogue over Jesus’ divine status
Date of John written
Author of John
“the beloved disciple” and his community
Structure of John’s gospel
Book of Signs
Book of Glory
What kind of beginning is John?
Cosmic beginning
Hellenistic or Philosophical tradition of logos
The structural element of the universe that makes reason or logic possible
Jewish wisdom cosmic beginning in John
Jesus as incarnate Word,
1) pre-existent agent of creation
2) life-giving agent
3) wisdom personified, word incarnate
Where in OT does John 1:1-2 resemble?
Proverbs, Solomon
“Wisdom” as person
Primary function of Jesus according to John 1:1-2
To create life and reveal who God is, resulting in salvation
Some major themes in John’s gospel
Light, life, glory, truth, “seeing”, “believing”, witness
2 Signs at Cana
1) Water into Wine
2) Healing of official’s son
What are ‘signs’ in John’s gospel?
Points beyond the event to the identity of Jesus
How many signs in John’s gospel?
Difference in temple cleansing?
Jesus talks about destruction of body and raising.
Disciples recall scripture, showing fulfill OT
What is replacement theology in John’s gospel?
Theory that Jesus replaced Jewish traditions and rituals.
More of a theology of fulfillment than replacement.
Women at the well vs. Nicodemus
Born again and living water.
Leads to misunderstanding and questioning.
Woman probably became disciple as she preached Jesus; nothing about Nicodemus’ change of heart.
What is court scene in John 5?
Jesus accused of violating sabbath and blasphemy. He offers defense, then witnesses.
Narratio (presents case)
Confirmatio (proofs that refute charges)
Reprehensio (counter argument that anticipates opponents’ criticism)
Conclusio later.
Theological significance of John’s feeding 5000
There’s ‘bread of life’ discourse afterwards.
Echos the last supper of breaking bread and giving thanks
Resembles Moses’ providing of manna as a leader
In John, Jesus does not tell parables; he _______
is the parable
ego eimi
“I am”. claims to divine identity (“I am who I am” in OT)
Where in John is not in early manuscripts?
John 7:53-8:11. Woman in adultery passage (stones)
What elements transition from Book of Signs to Book of Glory? (5)
Anointing of Jesus, Entry into Jerusalem, Greeks seekings Jesus (universal scope), “Hour” has come, the one “exorcism”
Interpretations of foot-washing
Ritual for post-baptism sins
Purification for receiving Jesus’ passover death
Welcoming disciples into God’s household (hospitality)
What does the foot-washing symbolize?
Humility, loving service, laying down one’s life
3 sayings on the cross in John’s Gospel
“Woman, here is your son. Here is your mother”
“I thirst”
“It is finished”
What does the cross symbolize in John’s Gospel?
Jesus’ enthronement as king.
Broadly what portrait does the crucifixion in John’s gospel paint?
Glorification of Jesus (king language)
The phrase “lifted up” in John’s gospel
Jesus being lifted on a cross as enthronement of a royal figure
Jesus’ burial in John’s gospel
A kingly burial.
How does Jesus’ arrest in synoptics differ to John’s portrayal?
Jesus always in command and control.
How’s passover relate to the Cross?
In John’s Gospel, Jesus is crucified at the time Passover lambs were slaughtered. Quote Exodus 12:46. “Lamb of God” in first chapter.
The confirmation of Jesus’ human death. What’s its significance?
Fulfillment of Ezekiel 47.
Symbols baptism and eucharist.
What’s John’s ‘Great Commission’?
About receiving Holy Spirit. Forgiving. John 20:22-23
What did John say the purpose of his gospel was?
So we can believe Jesus is the Messiah, Son of God, and that we can have life in his name
What’s current research about John as independent gospel or not?
Recently there’s a case that John had knowledge or Mark and possibly Luke too
What resulted after the signs in Cana?
The disciples believed. A father and his household too.
How do historians interpret relationship between Luke and Acts?
That they’re same author, and Acts is an extension of Luke
What do the 3 sayings found in Luke resemble? Theme?
A martyr. About forgiveness
How to interpret John 10? Good Shepherd and Sheep
Close to a parable. But more of a figure of speech
How’s Martha portrayed in Luke vs. in John?
Martha full of faith in Joh.
In Luke, Mary’s better.
What’s odd about after Jesus’ death around the time of Peter’s restoration in John’s gospel?
Disciples go back to doing what they did.
What’s special about Luke’s garden in gethsemane scene?
Agony prayer. Sympathetic view of disciples sleeping. Gets comfort from an angel.