Google-Analytics Flashcards
What type of view is automatically generated when you create a Property?
Unfiltered View
What is the purpose of having an Unfiltered View
To serve as a backup for when other views are accidentally deleted.
Where would you find the Account-Property-View hierarchy in the Google Analytics Dashboard?
Home tab
What insight of the Audience Report specifies the browser used to access an account property?
Audience > Technology
What insight of the Audience Report provides the level of engagement for new and return users?
Audience Behavior
What View metrics are displayed on the Home tab of the Google Analytics dashboard?
Sessions, Avg. Session Duration, Bounce Rate, Goal Conversion Rate
How does selecting an Industry Category when setting up an Account Property help Analytics?
It provides a means for benchmarking performance against current trends in selected industry.
How do you focus analysis on a specific set of regions?
Through “Include Filters”
What are four common goals defined for use with Google Analytics?
Leads, Trial Signups, Account Creation, Newsletter Signups, Downloads
What is the purpose of using a Lowercase Filter for the URL?
To force all URLs to be counted and displayed in single case (lowercase), in order to prevent data from being duplicated (misrepresenting unique page visits, etc.)
Why is filter order important?
Because the output of one filter becomes the input for the next filter.
How does GA track user information?
Through java-script code, information is collected from the user’s browser,
What is the term used for referring to the period of time that a user may remain inactive, before a session ends?
Session Time-Out Length
What should you do to prevent a visitor’s session from timing-out as they watch a lengthy video.
Adjust the Session Time-Out length to match the expected time-frame.
How does Google Analytics track visit-duration?
It subtracts the time of the last activity with that of the first.