Good Phrases to Use in Literature Essays Flashcards
The author shows
El autor demuestra
The author highlights, underlines
El autor destaca, subraya
The author establishes
El autor establece
The author presents to us
El autor nos presenta
The events reveal
Los acontecimientos revelan
The story effectively illustrates
El relato ilustra de manera eficaz
The fight for power between the republicans and the nationalists
La lucha por el poder entre los republicanos y los nacionalistas
There is no doubt that
No cabe duda de que
The priest is respected by Paco’s family
El cura es respetado por la familia de Paco
As the story unfolds
A medida que se va desplegando la historia
The events foreshadow
Los sucesos anuncian
the subject matter
el asunto
the character
el personaje
the personality
el caracter
development of characters
la caracterizacion
the key moment
el punto culminante
the final outcome
el desenlace final
the underlying theme
el tema subyacente
la escena retrospectiva
the focus
el enfoque
in fact
de hecho
es cierto que
it is certain that
they are presented
se presentan
we have to ask ourselves
tenemos que preguntarnos
at first sight
a primera vista
in addition to what has been said
ademas de lo dicho
por consecuencia
on the other hand
por otra parte
having said that
dicho eso
to put it another way, or rather
o sea
as we already know
como ya se sabe
in addition
por añadidura
it turns out that
resulta que
of course
claro que
apart from that
aparte de eso
por desgracia
no obstante
in my opinion
a mi modo de ver
i think that (i have the opinion that)
yo opino que
for my part
por mi parte
i am convinced that
estoy convencido de que (+indic)
i am not convinced that
no estoy convencido de que (+subj)
this leads me to think that
esto me lleva a pensar que
as far as i know
que yo sepa
on the contrary
al contrario
on one hand
por un lado
mientras que
there is no denying that
no se puede negar que
it is certain that
es cierto que
and for this reason
y por esta razón
it is necessary that we understand
es necessario que entendamos
lets take for example the matter of
pongamos por caso lo de
this respect does not last long
este respeto no dura mucho tiempo
Mosen millan takes Paco with him to give the last rites to a dying man
Mosen millan lleva a paco con el para dar los últimos ritos a un moribundo
it is here that we see
es aqui donde vemos
Paco distancing himself from the priest
paco distanciándose del cura
at the end of the novel
al final de la novela
mosen millan is responsible for pacos death
mosen millan es responsable de la muerte de paco
this leads us to the inevitable conclusion
esto nos lleva a la conclusion inevitable que
Ramon j sender gives us a criticism of the catholic church
ramón j sender nos ofrece una critica de la iglesia católica
by means of
a traves de