How do Christians approach good conduct
- Protestants follow Divine Command theory (however there are immoral commands … Paul, ‘slaves should be submissive to their masters’, or impractical ‘turn the other cheek’
- NML: use reason to interpret morality
- process theology- god is part of the environment so we should act in harmony with it
Evidence for the need of good conduct
Let your light shine before men, so they may see your good works and give glory to your father
Love god with your own heart , soul and mind
in support of FAITH
Martin Luther: guilty sinners are punished without reference to works
If Abraham was justified by works , he has something to boast about, but not before god’
Paul : eschatological judgement (all is decided by god! so requires faith )
in support of WORKS
James ‘even the demons believe … and SHUDDER’
Faith was completed by WORKS … sheep and goats
Evidence for and against predestination
‘ELECTION of Israel as a chosen nation’ in deutronomy
‘God works for good with those who love him’ - Romans
‘Those he for knew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son’
AGAINST - evolution - ?
Pelagius: deemed heretic for rejecting predestination on the ground of freedom
Augustine : DOUBLE predestination (rather than just selecting some to be saved, God damns for their sins to demonstrate his justice)
Problems with predestination
Would a loving god send anyone to hell?
but, if all sent to Heaven, they don’t have the choice to accept or reject God
Does God know but is unable to decide? - But Still seems certain if the future is
so is God Timeless?
But then he wouldn’t be omnipotent
Evidence for sanctity of life
The lord gave and the lord has taken away. Blessed be his name
God formed man of dust - Genesis
‘Before I formed you in the womb knew you -‘ Jeremiah
Views on Sanctity of Life?
STRONG: life begins at conception
WEAK: ‘quality of life’
Church - declaration of procured abortion - should not be any discrimination against different stages of life
However / evolution, some also say being made in gods image is anthropomorphic
Evidence for the importance of stewardship vs Dominion
Are not 5 sparrows sold for 2 coins? Yet not 1 of them is forgotten by God - Luke
Plato - principle of plentitude - the idea that the universe contains every possible form of existence and so is important
DOMINION : the fear and dread of you will be in every beast on Earth
Scholarly opinions on stewardship
Lynn white
many problems of the environmental crisis
have been due to dominion
Sally McFague
God has a panentheistic relationship with nature
- just cause
- legitimate authority
- right intention
- probability of success
- proportional (benefits > harm)
- discrimination (only soldiers)
- means to an end - proportionality
Problems of just war
Authority (who decides)
Cannot predict outcome
When is it a ‘last resort’ - pacifists will do anything
Weapons of mass destruction
Biological (bolthulinum toxin?)
Chemical (phosgene gas - blindness, lung damage. 100,000 deaths WWII)
Nuclear (5km radioactivity - Chernobyl power plant)
Weapons of mass destruction
Biological (bolthulinum toxin?)
Chemical (phosgene gas - blindness, lung damage. 100,000 deaths WWII)
Nuclear (5km radioactivity - Chernobyl power plant)