good conduct and key moral principles Flashcards
why does good conduct matter to christians
- christians should obey the teachings contained in the Bible which is the word of God
- the kingdom of god will be realised on earth through the way in which Christians care for others
- christians give glory for god by the way in which they live
- individual good conduct will be rewarded with eternal life in heaven
what are the three ways christians could get into heaven
- justification by faith
- justification by works
- predestination
what does it mean to be justified
- to be counted by god as righteous and so able to have a relationship with god
what is pauls interpretation of justification by faith
- original sin = impossible for humans to have a good relationship w god
- only gods grace makes this possible
- faith doesnt justify, faith is a response to the gift of grace
- this is a new relationship with god, not a way of earning that relationship
- this has been the case forever
what does martin luther think about justification by faith
- proclaimed the doctrine of sola fide (faith alone)
- taught that faith is passive; justification comes from what god achieves through the atoning death of christ
- good conduct was the expression of a persons faith but had no saving value whatsoever
how can justification come about through works
- the biblical basis for this belief is the NT letter of James
- the author pointed out that:
- faith on its own is useless
- doesnt keep a poor person warm
- even demons believe in god - faith is expressed through works
- seen in Abrahams willingness to sacrifice his son
- faith on its own is useless
why do christians accept the needs for works with justification
- Jesus’ teaching in the parable of the sheep and goats
- judgment will be based on the individual human’s help for or failure to help those in need
- no mention is made of faith
what is the belief that justification comes about through faith and works
- catholic church belief taken by the catholic church at the counter reformation
- stated that some human effort was needed
- justification is gods gift to humanity
- given through the atonement of jesus and through baptism
- the power of the holy spirit enables us to live good lives
- living in the way god wants is an integral part of salvation
what does predestination mean for salvation
- god has decided who will be justified and who will not
what does paul say about predestination
- pauls letter to the romans implied that god had already decided who would go where
- many christians think this a distortion
- for paul, gods purposes cant be known by ppl
- paul might have been trying to say that because god is omniscient god knows what people would freely choose
what did augustine teach about predestination
- god infallibly knows who will be saved
- predestination is an act of grace: human goodness is the result and not the cause of election (gods choice of someone for salvation)
- humans cant understand why he saves some and not others
- god predestines some to heaven whilst leaving others in their sinful state
what does calvin teach about predestination
- calvin took augustines thinking to its logical conclusion in his teaching about double predestination
- before creation god decided who would be saved and who would go to hell
- because of original sin, all humans deserve damnation so gods act of election is entirely an act of grace
why do catholics reject calvins teaching
- god predestines noone to hell; for this, wilful turning away from god (a mortal sin) is necessary, and persistence in it until the end
why do other christians reject predestination
- it makes god unjust
- it isnt compatible with Jesus’ portrayal of God as unconditionally merciful, forgiving and loving
- it isnt compatible with free will
what are the three comebacks to the christian problems with predestination
- calvin – humans cant understand gods will and the evil actions of the damned show gods decision was just
- calvinists – noone merits salvation so god saving anyone is a display of mercy
- gods omniscience is not a causative
what are the two forms of the sanctity of life principle
- strong principle – all humans have absolute right to life that must never be taken away
- weak principle – all human life is sacred but it is not absolutely so
- in exceptional circumstances, life saving treatment maybe omitted or withdrawn
what is the strong sanctity of life principle
- the view held by catholics and some protestants
- personhood begins at conception
- theres an absolute right to life and conception
- this view is supported by scripture when God told Jeremiah he knew him before he was born
what is the weak sanctity of life principle
- held by the church of england and many protestants
- a foetus has the right to respect because it will potentially become a person
- embryo research is ok before the 14 day cutoff
- cofE sees abortion as a moral evil but states it might be the lesser of two evils
positives of the sanctity of life principle
- promotes respect for human life
- encourages protection of the vulnerable
- true to the teaching of jesus and agape
weaknesses of the sanctity of life principle
- its views on abortion promote the patriarchal view of society in which women dont have equal rights to men
- in the strong form it can seen unloving and lacking in compassion
what is the just war theory
- in its early history the church was pacifist
- over the centuries just war theory was developed largely by augustine and aquinas
- there are two main parts:
- lus ad bellum – addresses the conditions when going to war might be justifiable
- lus in bello – addresses the way war must be fought
what are the five criteria for lus ad bellum
- just cause
- proportionality
- probability of success
- right intention
- legitimate authority
what are the two criteria for lus ad bello
- discrimination
- proportionality of means to ends
do weapons of mass destruction fit into the just war theory
- they could never fit the criteria of discrimination, proportionality and probability of success
what are christian oppositions to the application of just war theory to weapons of mass destruction
- many christians view such weapons as intrinsically evil
- pope francis urged the abolition of nuclear weapons
christian views accepting of the application of just war theory to weapons of mass destruction
- they cannot be uninvented
- situation ethics
- modern conventional warfare is just as bad
why do some christians believe humans hold dominion
- the environmental damage caused by the pursuit wealth at any cost from the time of the industrial revolution
- it can also be seen in the practices of intensive farming
why do some christians believe humans are stewards
- they are the guardians of creation, caring for it on behalf of god
- the role entails responsibility rather than privilege
- andrew linzey sees the world as theocentric (god centered) rather than anthropocentric