Gone with the wind Flashcards
the book
Scarlet obdivovala jeho pohodový prístup
Scarlet adimred his laidback attitude
Má povinnosť brániť krajinu
He has a duty to protect his country
Oznámia to zajtra
They will announce it tomorrow
Nemala dovolené si požičať
She wasn´t allowed to borrow
Musela uznať, že Batler bol rozumný
She had to admit, Butler was clever
Nemal na výber
He didn´t have a choice
Predstierala, že sa nezaujíma
She pretended, she didn´t care
To nebola reakcia akú očakávala
It wastn´t the reaction, she expected.
Nemohla ani plakať
She could even cry
Navyše, nie som hlupák (blázon)
In addition, I´m not fool
On im pravidelne posiela peniaze
He regularly sends them money
Melanie bola vďačná
Melanie was grateful
Bola krutá
She was cruel
Pobozkal ju na čelo
He kissed her on her forehead
Džbán ceruziek
The jar of pencils
okrem tejto konverzácie
except this conversation