Breakfest at Tiffany´s Flashcards
Afričan odmietol predať
The African refused to sell
Jej ústa boli veľké, jej nos bol otočený hore
Hes mouth was large, her nose was upturned
raňajkovo-cereálny dojem zdravia
breacfest-cereal air (impression) of health
Drobné na toaletu
Change for powder room (toilet)
Jej oči preskúmavajú (obzerajú) moju izbu
Her eyes survey my room
Píše vec pre rádio
He write a stuff for radio
Nemôžem si dovoliť slúžku
I can´t afford a maid
Ona nosí hrubé okuliare
She wears thick glasses
Drahé vône
An expansive smells
Pozemok v Mexiku stojí peniaze
The land in Mexico costs money
Si nahnevaný ?
Are you angry ?
Bolo to k večeru
It was towards to the evening
Čudoval som sa či kradne často
I wondered if she steals often
Bolo to príliš nádherné, zahodiť to preč
It was too beautiful to throw away
Hovoriac s ním prostredníctvom zrkadla
Speaking to him via the mirror
Obyčajný človek nevie čo chce
The ordinary person doesn´t know what he want
Zlomila mi srdce, keď utiekla preč
She broke my heart, vhen she ran away
Holly sa dotkla jeho tváre
Holly touched his face
Vieš čo je smutné ?
Do you know what is sad ?
Hlúpa chyba
Silly mistake
Keby som bol ňou
If I were her
Podaj mi moju gitaru
Pass me my guitar
Mám silnú vôľu a guráž
I have the will power and courage
Holly si začala sťažovať
Holly started to complain
Zbalil som do jediného Holinho kufra
I packed in Holly´s only suitcase