Gonadal disease Flashcards
What is PCOS?
Complex condition of ovarian dysfunction characterised by hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance, and high LH
Overlap with metabolic syndrome
What are Sx of PCOS?
Hirsutism Acne and alopecia Oligo/amenorrhoea Weight gain Acanthosis nigrans Infertility
What Ix in PCOS?
Can be a clinical diagnosis if hirsutism with abnormal periods.
LH:FSH ratio >2:1 can also be helpful
Measure androgen levels e.g. testosterone, SHBG (elevated)
Luteal phase progesterone: can see if patients are ovulating.
TV US of uterus: polycystic ovaries
All patients should have TSH, prolactin, 17OHprogesterone, to exclude other causes of Sx.
OGT and fasting lipids can establish metabolic risk
What are DDx for PCOS?
21OH deficiency Thyroid dysfunction hyperprolactinaemia cushing's Diabetes
What is Rx of PCOS?
Weight loss can restore ovulation
COCP can help regulate cycles and hirsutism too (if not wanting pregnancy)
Clomifene is good in patients who want to get pregnant
What are complications of PCOs?
metabolic syndrome
What are causes of primary hypogonadism in men?
Klinefelter’s syndrome (XXY)
Alkylating agents (chemo), steroids
Untreated testicular torsion
What are causes of primary hypogonadism in women?
PCOS Turner Fragile X Menopause CAH Alkylating agents
What are Sx of primary gonadal failure in males?
Decreased libido loss of morning erection ED gynaecomastia infertility micropenis, small testes
what are Sx of primary gonadal failure in females?
irregular periods infertility hot flushes and night sweats vaginal dryness decreased libido
What Ix in primary gonadal failure?
Males: testosterone, SHBG, LH/FSH, prolactin, semen analysis, genetic testing
Females: FSH/LH (high), oestrogen (low), TSH, prolactin, pelvic US, karyotype
What Rx in primary gonadal failure?
Men: testosterone
What is Klinefelter’s syndrome?
Men with extra X chromosome (47XXY) - most common genetic cause of male hypogonadism
What are Sx of Klinefelter’s
Manifests @ puberty. Delayed puberty, small penis/testes, reduced secondary sexual characteristics, gynaecomastia, learning difficulties
What Ix in Klinefelter’s
FH and LSH high