GOM Study guide Flashcards
What is required in your flight kit?
Airman certificate Medical FCC license (capt) Mesa ID card Jeppesen pubs Flashlight Extra pair of corrective lenses Passport Pen Log book
What passengers cannot be carried?
Infants requiring incubators or other life support
Infants less than one day old
Unaccompanied children less than 8
Pregnant passenger expecting in less than 7 days unless there is a doctors note dated within 72 hours of departure
Passengers requiring O2 or other life support
Passengers on stretcher or unable to to upright in seat with belt fastened
Barefoot passengers except infants
Passengers appearing to be under the influence
Persons carrying firearms on person unless authorized
Persons unable to use standard seats of fasten seat belt with extender
When is security sweep required?
First flight of day, or if aircraft has been left unattended
When is takeoff alternate required?
If the visibility reported is less than the required visibility for the runway(s) in use
How far away can a takeoff alternate be?
Can the destination airport be used?
No more than one hour from departure airport in still air with one engine inop.
When is a destination alternate required?
When the weather one hour before the ETA to one hour after is reported to be less than a 2000’ ceiling and three miles visibility
What are standard takeoff minimums?
For aircraft less than three engines: one mile visibility
For aircraft three engines or more: 1/2 mile visibility
What are the lowest Mesa approved takeoff minimums?
Can one of the RVR readings be missing?
RVR 500/500/500
The rollout can be missing, or if the midfield is missing the rollout can be used in lieu
What airports can be used for alternates?
They must be listed in the op spec unless it is an emergency
Explain the 1 Nav 2 Nav rule
1 Nav: add 400’ and 1 SM to the lowest minimums
2 Nav: add 200’ and 1/2 SM to the next higher minimums for a different runway
Explain exemption 3585
The destination must have 100% of the required visibility in the main body of the TAF. Temp, Prob, Becoming, and Remarks must have no less than 50% of the required visibility
The first derived alternate must have 100% of the derived ceiling and visibility in the main body. Temp, ect must be no less than 50% of the derived ceiling and visibility
The second alternate must be 100% derived ceiling/visibility for main body and remarks
What is the Mesa definition of marginal?
500’ and 1SM above lowest suitable approach minimums
When is a second alternate airport required?
If both the destination and first alternate will be marginal
After experiencing an engine failure where should the crew land the aircraft?
At the nearest suitable airport
What is a physiological nights rest?
10 hours of rest that encompass the hours of 0100 and 0700 at the crew members home base, unless they have acclimated to a different theater
Where can you fine the table for flight duty period?
In the GOM
Which category MELs can be extended?
For how long?
Category B and C
Cat B can be extended 3 days, not including the day it was written up, Cat C can be extended 10 days, not including the day it was written up
How many high and low risk prisoners can be carried?
How many LEOs are required?
No more than one high risk and two low risk
High risk requires two LEOs, low risk require one
When does the holdover time for de-ice begin?
At the start of the final application
What are the two kinds of weather we are not allowed to fly through?
Volcanic ash and known severe icing
What is your report time?
45 mins prior