God Flashcards
Summarise and define “Tawhid”:
“ Tawhid ~ Oneness/unity + expresses thay God is ONE and has no partners or equals (uncompromising monotheism)
- Contained within the first Pillar of Islam (Shahadah) “declaration of faith” + what makes a Muslim, Muslim.
- “He is one God, the eternal. He begets not and neither is he begotten. There’s nothing that can be compared to him”
- Any doubt upon Tawhid is considered “Shirk” (unforgivable sin).
- However, there is a distinction between minor + major shirk.
- Anything placed on a par with Allah, is considered shirk.
- Tawhid is a practical tool for “ibadah” (worship)
Summarise the Word + attributes of Allah:
- Allah is an independent word, personal name of God.
Unique to Arabic language and no other language has a personal name for God.
“La hul al-asma al-husna”
(To him belong all the beautiful names)
- Allah is a being who possesses all the complete + perfect attributes.
It should have “Husn” (goodness/beauty) and “Ihsan” (beneficence) - Its the attributes which are responsible for the emergence of the entire creation.
Summarise the beliefs of “al rahman + rahim”
- Al Rahman ~ The beneficent. (Of this world)
Benefits/mercy for the WHOLE OF MANKIND, including non-Muslims.
Provides all resources for the process of man.
- Al Rahim ~ The merciful (Hereafter)
Specially for Muslims. A special type of mercy.
Mercy granted repeatedly which improve effect on each persons action.
-By saying “bismilah ar rahman ar rahim” man is asking for Gods help for knowledge through “Rahman”
Asking for Gods help provided through “rahim”
- Attribute Rahman seeks Excellence in knowledge.
- Attribute Rahim seeks excellence in works.
Summarise the Shia beliefs about attributes og Allah:
- “Senses cannot touch him and curtains cannot veil him”
Nothing is similar to Allah and there is a big difference between him and who he has created
Allah is proof of his existence through his creation
- “He is distinct from things because he overpowers them and exercises might over them”
Allah is different to us in a way no one can comprehend/imagine.
Define anthropormophism:
- Human language used to describe God
Summarise the anothromorphic beliefs about Allah:
- “So wherever you turn, there is the FACE OF ALLAH.”
- “Indeed all bounty is in the HAND OF ALLAH”
- “God created the man in his own image”
- Allah hearing and seeing all doesnt apply to the same way as it does to us. This is only for him to know.
Creator is on another level altogether. - Donts and Do’s of human beings in the Quran
- Sura Shoora: “Theres nothing whatver like him.
“Theres nothing comparable to Allah SWT”
Summarise beliefs about Allahs throne: (Al kursi)
“His throne extends over the heavens and the earth”
This is declaration of Allahs greatness + how what he created for Allah was effortless
Verse encourages us to worship Allah + reminds us of his noble names + attributes
- Whoever recites verse of throne after each prayer, there will be nothing between him and paradise.
- Verse is important as it speaks about his divinity + to monotheism
- Verse reminds us of his dominion over heavens and eath
Define Sufism:
- Finding love of God in a mystical experience within yourself
Journey of unity
Define Tariqah:
- The spiritual path of towards direct knowledge of God.
A school/order of sufism
Summarise the parable about the Hoopoe Bird:
- Story about group of birds who are troubled as they have no king, the Hoopoe bird (wisest) assumed they do have a king- the Simurgh
- Hoopoe bird guides all birds through journey to the Simurgh + explained have to go through 7 valleys:
1) Valley of love 2) Valley of quest 3) Valley of understanding
4) Valley of detachment 5) Valley of pure untiy 6) Valley of astonishment - Whilst listening to description of journey, some dies of fear.
- Birds began journey + some died of hunger, disease, prey… Only 30 birds arrived at home of Simurgh
- Birds understood that the Beloved is like the Sun that can be reflected in the mirror
- We all reflect God as we are Gods shadows. Nothing is seperated from its directed.
What are the 7 stages Sufis must attain?
1) Mujahad ~ Struggle, variation on Jihad
2) Zuhd ~ Letting go of Wordly desires
3) Samt ~ Silence. Silently accept Gods will
4) Tawakkul ~ Trust. Always remain content with God
5) Ubudiya ~ Servanthood. Abandoning personal choice in the face of divine fate)
6) Irada ~ Desire. Personal desire replaced by desire of God.
7) Dhikr ~ Rememberance. Constant awareness of God
What is the Sufi Brotherhood?
- Spiritual lineages who provide a framework + wisdom
Although Prophet Muhammad is ultimate founder of wisdom.
How do Sufis reach the final destination?
3 Concepts to reach destination:
- MYSTIC KNOWLEDGE ~ Awareness of self is lost in awareness of God (Ma’rifa).
Has reached ma’rifa when temptations of his soul stop - LOVE ~ Reflecting hearts desire for increasing experience of God. This has been reached
when someone has little patience in seperation + finds no comfort in anything
other than him. - DHIKR ~ Rememberance. Seen as the highest stage of mystic quest to come together.
2 types of Dhikr: Of the tongue
Of the heart
No one reaches God save by continuously being in remmeberance of him.
Sufi beliefs regarding Prophet Muhammad:
- Ultimate source of wisdom
- Perfect example of Sufis
- Seal of all prophethood
- Membrane between creator + creation
- Allah created all creation for the prophet.
Sufi Tariqas:
- Qadiriyya
- Suhrawardiyya ~ Order known for strict control of master + appreciation of poetry
- Rifa’iyya ~ Famous for variety of strange practices
- Naqshbandiyya ~ Encourages silent dhikr + strict observance of Shar’ia
Purpose of Bismillah + Shahadah (faith):
- All activities should begin all their activities in the name Allah
- Bismillah could restrain wrongful conduct
- Bismillah is a verse of Quran
- Each time a surah is revealed, starts with the name of Allah