GO 6.1 Flashcards
Regarding smoking, departmental policy was created to comply with what?
Government Code Section 7597 and the State Administrative Manual (SAM), Chapter 1300 - Building and Property Management Branch, Section 1330.5
Smoking is prohibited within what areas of State space?
All state-owned buildings or leased space, including space within buildings shared with others, and state owned passenger vehicles and mobile equipment to include light and heavy duty trucks, cargo and passenger vans, buses, and any other mobile equipment with an enclosed or enclosable driver/passenger compartment.
Smoking shall not be permitted within _____ feet of doorways, ground level air intake structures, and operable windows
Where must signs be placed to indicate smoking is prohibited?
All buildings covered by GO 6.1 shall have clearly displayed signs at all entrances/exits and other conspicuous locations (bathrooms, lunchrooms, etc.) throughout the facility to notify occupants and the public that smoking is prohibited within the building.
What size shall no smoking signs be?
On building accesses, the signs shall be written in bold print and readable from a distance of 25 feet.
Ashtrays and other appropriate smoking litter devices __________ (Shall/Should/May) be provided on the exterior premises of the building. These devices should be appropriately located for proper ventilation and distribution of the smoking population.