Gnathosomes Flashcards
Class Myxini- hagfishes
*The most primitive (cartilaginous) skull
Rudimentary eyes and 1 nostrilLong bodies with 12 pairs of gills – but exhale via single openings on each side
*Multiple slime gland openings
*They have tooth-like formations made of keratin
*They don’t have jaws, vertebrae, dorsal or paired fins
Class Petromyzontida- lampreys
*Cartilage skeleton (without collagen)
*Flexible sheath around the notochord. *This has cartilaginous projections that are related to vertebrae (vestigial)
*Dorsal fin
*No jaws
Gnathos= jaw; stoma = mouth
Evolved from mineralized skeletal rods between the pharyngeal slits
Duplication of the Hoxgenes from 1 set to 4
Enlarged brain, with advanced smell and vision
Lateral line system
Class Chondrichthyes
Chondros= cartilage; ichthyes= fishes
Traces of bone in their fins (fossil forms), scales, dental bases, vertebral surface
Lorenzini ampullae
They are modified neuromast organs
It detects electric fields that are generated by the muscle contractions of nearby animals (bioelectric currents)\
Skin Denticles
The skin is covered with placoid denticles
They reduce drag and protect the body
Diagnostic for many shark groups\
Te e t h
They are modified denticles
They are arranged in many rows
Polyphyodont-They are replaced many times during the life of the animal