Amphibian Flashcards
Amphibian Skin
It has mucous glands that keep the skin moist
It has poison glands that are used for defence
The skin is used for gas exchange (cutaneous respiration)
Releases CO2all the time, uptakes O2 at low temperatures
Amphibian Ear
Tympanic membranes (eardrums)
Only one bone in the middle ear, named columella (stapes in mammals)
It connects the eardrum to the inner ear
Order Gymnophiona - caecilians
Gymno= naked; ophis= snake
They are also called Apoda –no limbs/girdles
Eyes are reduced
The left lung is very small to fit
Resemble worms or snakes
They live in the soil –subterranean
They feed on animals in the soil
Only internal fertilization with a sperm transfer organ
25% oviparous, 75% viviparous
Order Urodela
“Ura” = tail, “delos” = evident
They have 4 limbs and a long tail
Most are terrestrial as adults, but some are fully aquatic
They resemble the ancestral amphibians
They can regenerate lost limbs etc. if damaged
Order Anura – frogs& toads
Anura means “without tail”
The head is fused to their body
Powerful hind limbs
Very diverse – 4800 species
Wide range of forms and habitats
*Anurabody plan atypical of amphibians
*Skeleton highly specialized for jumping/swimmingenlarged hindlimbsurostyle complex
* absorb shock from jumping
* stiffen lower back & transmit propulsive force to bodyonly 9 vertebraeno ribs