GM NEG Flashcards
All Nesseria are Catalase (+) EXCEPT:
N. elongata
Obligate Aerobes, CAPNOPHILIC (5-10% Co2), Catalase positive
Leading cause of sexually transmitted disease
N. gonorrhoeae
Gram (-) dplococci, inside PMNs
N. gonorrhoea
Fatal bacterial meningitis
N. meningitidis
Associated with respi tract, otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia
Moraxella catarrhalis
Container used for Neisseria spp. with increased Co2
JEMBEC system
Glucose, Maltose, Lactose (-)
Moraxella catarrhalis
Glucose, Maltose, Lactose (+)
N. lactamica
Shiga-like toxin
Shigella-like infection
Cholera-like toxin
Traveller’s, Childhood diarrhea
Seen in debilitated patients (burn or ICU)
Biochemically inert; grows well on MacConkey
Catalase negative Shigella
S. dysenteriae
others are Catalase (+)
ONPG (+) Shigella
Shigella sonnei (LLF)
other are ONPG (-)
Gm (-) rods with unusual bipolar staining with Weison stain
Name of the infected rat flea that causes Yersinia pestis infection
Xenopsylla cheopsis
Bull’s eye colony on CIN agar
Yersinia enterocolitica
Causes acute mesenteric lymphadenitis, appendicitis
Yersinia enterocolitica
Isolated from cold and warm-blooded animals (reptiles, fishes, frogs, turtles)
Edwardsiella tarda
Similarity of E. coli and Edwardsiella tarda
IMVIC: ++–
How to diff. E. coli and Edwardsiella tarda
Lactose Fermentation + H2S prod
E. coli = RLF; H2S (-)
Edwardsiella tarda = NLF; H2s (+)
Plump coccobacilli that resist Decolorization; resembles Neisseria
Found in tap water and salads
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Key pathogen in CYSTIC FIBROSIS
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Ecthyema gangrenosum,
Swimmer’s ear,
Jacuzzi syndrome
P. aeruginosa
Survive in medical devices, disinfectants
Burkholderia cepacia
Non-motile Burkholderia
Burkholderia mallei
Cause severe infections in HORSES (glanders or farcy disease)
Burkholderia mallei
Vietnamese time bomb
Burkholderia pseudomallei
Medium for Burkholderia pseudomallei
Ashdown medium
appear as dry, wrinkled, deep pink color
All Vibrio are HALOPHILIC (loves salt) except:
Vibrio cholerae
Vibrio mimicus
Oxidase (+) Vibrio except:
Vibrio metschnikovii
Causes epidemics, pandemics of diarrheal disease cholera
Vibrio cholerae
Rice watery stool
Vibrio cholerae
Motility of Vibrio cholerae
Rapid darting
Shooting star
3 Serogroups of Vibrio cholerae
- Inaba - Philippines
- Ogawa - India
- Hikojima - Japan
Recent pandemics
El Tor
Polymyxin B result for Classical and El Tor
Classical - Polymyxin B (S)
El Tor - Polymyxin B (R)
Summer diarrhea
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Medium for Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Wagatsuma agar
Lactose (+) Vibrio
Vibrio vulnificus
Reagent in String test used to diff. Vibrio (+) vs Aeromonas (-)
0.5% Sodium Desoxycholate
Red leg disease in amphibians
Bull’s eye appearance on CIN
Yersinia enterocolitica
Seagull winged appearance
Motility of Campylobacter
Darting motility
MCC of Bacterial gastroenteritis
- Reactive arthritis
- Guillian-Barre Syndrome
Campylobacter jejuni
Capable of causing abortion
Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus
MCC of Peptic ulcer and Gastric carcinoma
Helicobacter pylori
Strong Urease producer
Uses Urea Breath Test
Helicobacter pylori
Associated with sexual transmission with homosexual men
Helicobacter cinaedi
Helicobacter fennelliae
Tests to differentiate Campylobacter jejuni vs Helicobacter pylori
Nitrate reduction (+) C jejuni
Urease (+) H pylori
Hippurate hydrolysis (+) C. jejuni
Requires X and V factor
Pfeiffer’s bacillus
H. influenzae
Brazillian purpuric fever
H. influenzae biogroup aegypticus
Koch-Weeks bacillus
Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
H. aegypticus
Haemophilus ducreyi
H - Aggregatibacter (Haemophilus) aphrophilus
A - Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans
C - Cardiobacterium hominis
E - Eikenella corrodens
K - Kingella spp.
HACEK group causes:
Slow/progressive bacterial endocarditis
Star shaped colonies
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans
Only Catalase (+) HACEK
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans
Only Indole (+) HACEK
Cardiobacterium hominis
Rosette formation appearance
Cardiobacterium hominis
Causes infections from human bites; clenched fist injuries
Eikenella corrodens
Yellow, pitting, corroding the medium, bleach odor on agar
Eikenella corrodens
Isolated from degenerative joint/bone infections
Kingella spp.
Whooping cough
Bordetella pertussis
Mercury drop colonies
Bordetella pertussis
Kennel’s cough (dogs)
Chronic respiratory tract infection (humans)
Bordetella bronchiseptica
Only Motile and Nitrate (+) Bordetella
B. bronchiseptica
Only Urease (-) Bordetella
B. pertussis
Only Oxidase (-) Bordetella
B. parapertussis
Small coccobacilli with SANDY appearance
Undulant fever
Medium for Brucella
Castaneda bottle (biphasic medium)
Convex, smooth, gray, nonhemolytic
Musty/mushroom odor
Pasteurella multocida
Bite/scratch from dogs and cats
Pasteurella multocida
Francisella requires what growth factors (4)
Tularemia, Rabbit fever, Deer fly fever, market men’s disease
Francisella tularensis
Virulent in near drowning victims
Francisella philomiragia
Mesophilic (20-45C), obligate aerobes, faintly staining, thin, gram (-) bacteria
Required growth factors for Legionella (3)
pH 6.9
Substituted for Safranin when gram staining Legionella
0.1% fuschin
Legionnaire’s disease
Pontiac fever
Legionella pneumophila
Medium for Legionella pneumophila
BCYE: Buffered-Charcoal-Yeast-Extract
L. pneumophila = Blue-green, glistening
Pittsburgh pneumonia
Legionella micdadei
Wiga’s agent of pneumonia
Legionella bozemanni