O: Ilium, sacrum and coccyx, and sacrotuberous ligament
I: 3/4 into iliotibial band, gluteal tuberosity
Gluteus Maximus
O: anterior 2/3s of external ilium
I: greater trochanter
Gluteus Medius
O: external ilium (deep to gluteus medius)
I: greater trochanter
Gluteus Minimus
I: 1/3 into iliotibial band
Tensor Fascia Lata
O: sacrum, through to greater sciatic notch
I: greater trochanter
O: inner obturator foramen
I: greater trochanter
Obturator Internus
O: ischial spine
I: greater trochanter
Gemellus Superior
O: ischial tuberosity
I: greater trochanter
Gemellus Inferior
O: ischial tuberosity
I: intertrochanteric crest
Quadratus Femoris
O: outer obturator foramen
I: greater trochanter
Obturator Externus
When the hip is flexed to 60 degrees, what action does the piriformis perform?
When the hip is flexed greater than 60 degrees, what action does the piriformis performs?
Medial Rotation
A condition that results in a weak gluteus medius
Trendelenburg Gait
Which of the gluteals is the prime mover for hip extension?
Gluteus Maximus
Which of the gluteals is the prime mover for hip abduction?
Gluteus Medius