Gluteal Region Flashcards
Describe the anatomical location of the gluteal region
-Lies between the back and the posterior thigh
-Posterior to the pelvis
- Bounded superiorly by the iliac crests and inferiorly by the gluteal fold/sulcus
- The intergluteal cleft lies between the buttocks
- The greater trochanter of the femur marks its lateral extent
Where is the superficial muscle layer found? Name its actions
- Deep to the skin, superficial and deep fascia
- Abduct and extend the lower limb at the hip joint
- Helps to define the gluteal fold
What is the most superficial and largest gluteal muscle?
Gluteus maximus
Name the proximal and distal attachments of the gluteus maximus
- Proximal: iliac crest, sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament and coccyx
- Distal: iliotibial tract
What is the action of the gluteus maximus
Most powerful extensor of the hip
What innervates the gluteus maximus?
Inferior gluteal nerve (L5-S2)
Name the proximal and distal attachments of the gluteus medius
- Proximal: external ileum between anterior and posterior gluteal lines
- Distal: lateral surface of greater trochanter of femur
What is the action of the gluteus medius
Abduct and medially rotate the thigh at the hip joint
What innervates the gluteus medius?
Superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1)
Name the proximal and distal attachments of the gluteus minimus
- Proximal: external ileum between anterior and inferior gluteal lines
- Distal: superior surface of greater trochanter of femur
What is the action of the gluteus minimus?
Abduct and medially rotate the thigh at the hip joint
What innervates the gluteus minimus?
Superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1)
Name the actions of the deep muscle layer and what it is innervated by
- Lateral rotators of the thigh and hip stabilises
- Innervated by nerves from the sacral plexus
Name the proximal and distal attachments of the piriformis
- Proximal: anterior surface of sacrum
- Distal: superior surface of greater trochanter of femur
- Also divides the greater sciatic foramen into suprapiriform and infrapiriform foramina
- Innervation: anterior ramus of S1, S2
Name the actions of the pirifomis
-Laterally rotates the extended thigh
-Abducts the flexed thigh
-Also divides the greater sciatic foramen into suprapiriform and infrapiriform foramina