Back Pain Flashcards
What is vertebral osteomyelitis?
Infection of the vertebrae
How does bacteria spread in the body in VO?
Mostly haematogenous, most commonly staph. aureus
What is VO often associated with? What does this lead to?
- May be associated with abscess ( epidural, psoas)
- As the vertebral end plates weaken, vertebrae may collapse leading to kyphosis or vertebra plana (flat vertebra) and disc space may reduce
What are risk factors for VO?
- Poorly controlled diabetes
- IV site infections
- GU infections
- Post operative
- Primary bacteraemia in the elderly
What are symptoms of VO?
- Insidious onset of back pain (most commonly lumbar)
- Pain is constant and unremitting
What are clinical signs of VO?
- Paraspinal muscle spasm
- Spinal tenderness
- May have fever and/or systemic upset
- Severe cases may have an associated neurological deficit
What will bloods show in VO?
- Raised CRP
- Cultures: indicate the causative organism (usually Staph. aureus including MRSA but atypical infections can occur in the immunocompromised)
What will MRI show in VO?
Extent of infection and any abscess formation (also psoas sign)
What does psoas sign indicate?
What warning sign should you look out for with VO?
Consider endocarditis - look for clubbing, splinter haemorrhages, murmur, consider ECHO
What is 1st line treatment for VO?
- High dose IV antibiotics after CT guided biopsy to obtain tissue culture
- Antibiotics may be required for several months and response is assessed clinically by serial CRP
- Around half of all patients go on to spontaneous fusion and resolution
What are the indications of surgery in VO?
- Inability to obtain cultures by needle biopsy
- No response to antibiotic therapy
- Progressive vertebral collapse and progressive neurological deficit
What does surgery for VO involve?
Surgery involves debridement, stabilization and fusion of adjacent vertebrae
What is cauda equina syndrome?
Compression of the nerve roots caudal to the level of spinal cord termination
What is the most common cause of cauda equina syndrome?
Large central lumbar disc herniation at the L4/L5 and L5/S1 level
What are symptoms of cauda equina syndrome?
- Classically bilateral leg pain, can be unilateral or with no leg symptoms
- Loss of motor or sensory function of bowel/bladder
- Loss of control/awareness (NOT constipation or increased urinary frequency)
- Perineal/saddle anaethesia
- Widespread or progressive motor weakness in the legs or gait distribution
What clinical signs indicate cauda equina syndrome?
PR exam - loss of anal sphincter tone
What investigations can you do for cauda equina?
Urgent MRI to determine level of prolapse
How do you treat cauda equina?
Urgent discectomy
What are some complications of cauda equina?
- Prolonged compression can cause permanent nerve damage requiring colostomy and urinary diversion
- Even with prompt surgical intervention, significant number of patients have residual nerve injury with permanent bladder and bowel dysfunction
What is spinal stenosis and claudication?
Narrowing of the central spinal canal, intervertebral foramen and/or lateral recess causing progressive nerve root compression
What is spinal stenosis and claudication caused by?
Degenerative joint disease in middle aged to elderly individuals
What causes the cauda equina to have less space?
Spondylosis and a combination of bulging discs, bulging ligamentum flavum and osteophytosis