Gluteal muscles Flashcards
What are the muscles of the gluteal region?
Gluteus max/min/med
Piriformis, gemellus superior/inferior, obturator internus, quadratus femoris
What are the origin and insertion of Gluteus Maximus?
- Origin: Posterior gluteal line of ilium, dorsal sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament
- Insertion: Iliotibial tract of fascia lata, gluteal tuberosity of femur
What is the action of Gluteus Maximus?
Extends thigh, assists in adduction and lateral rotation
What are the origin and insertion of gluteus medius?
- Origin: Lateral surface of ilium between anterior and posterior gluteal lines
- Insertion: Lateral surface of greater trochanter of femur
What are the actions of gluteus medius?
Abducts thigh, rotates thigh medially
What are the origin and insertion of gluteus minimus?
- Origin: Lateral surface of ilium between anterior and inferior gluteal lines
- Insertion: Anterior border of greater trochanter of femur
What are the actions of the gluteus minimus?
Abducts thigh, rotates thigh medially
What are the origin and insertion of the piriformis?
- Origin: Anterior surface of sacrum and sacrotuberous ligament
- Insertion: Superior border of greater trochanter of femur
What are the actions of the piriformis?
Laterally rotates thigh, abducts thigh when limb is flexed
What are the origin and insertion of the obturator internus?
- Origin: Pelvic surface of obturator membrane and margins of obturator foramen
- Insertion: Medial surface of greater trochanter of femur
What are the actions of the OI?
Laterally rotates thigh, abducts thigh when limb is flexed
What are the origin and insertion of the Gemellus superior?
- Origin: Outer surface of ischial spine
- Insertion: Medial surface of greater trochanter of femur
What are the actions of GS?
Laterally rotates thigh
What are the origin and insertion of Gemellus inferior?
- Origin: Upper margin of ischial tuberosity
- Insertion: Medial surface of greater trochanter of femur
What are the actions of Gemellus inferior?
Laterally rotates thigh