Glossary terms Flashcards
Describe Bark seams
Seams of bark extending into or embedded in the log
Describe cat face
A defect on the surface of the tree or log resulting from a wound where healing has not reestablished the normal cross section
Describe check and the three types
A separation of the wood, perpendicular to the grain.
Types of check :
End check
Weather check
Surface check
Describe clear
Free of knots and stain, and at least 2.5m long in the case of lumber. Clear shingles must be free of knots, insect damage and meet the minimum shingle dimensions
Describe gross scale
The volume of a log inside the bark and includes unsound wood and holes in log
Describe gross volume
Total inside bark volume and includes any defects
Describe gross weight
The weight of a load, including the truck weight, before unloading
What does the list of permissible defects refer to?
Defects that are common to the species and a defect may not appear if it is not a common defect or does not effect that species.
What is lumber
Lumber must be 2.5m long, free of rot and fractures.
What is merchantable lumber
Good, strong, general purpose lumber graded as better than utility or number 3, and not less than 2.5m long ( assessed based on twist and knots)
What is Net firmwood volume
The volume remaining after all allowable firmwood deductions for defects from gross volume have been made.
Describe Peeler block
A segment of a logs length, usually 2.6m, suitable for the manufacture of veneer
Piece scale
The scaling method where each piece is scaled by recording the timber mark, species and by taking its length, top and Butt diameters, deducting for defects, and assigning a grade.
Describe Pistol grip
A pronounced bend at the butt of a log resembling the shape of a pistol
Describe pitch ring (silt shake)
An accumulation of pitch or resin fully or partially around the circumference of an annual ring,where there is no wood separation.
Where pitch ring is only at one end of a log, no loss for lumber or plywood is considered.
When pitch ring is at both ends the of a log the log is treated as tight ring shake.