Glossary Terms 4: Definitions and Spelling Flashcards
Sexual Dysfunction:
Sexual disinterest, unresponsiveness, aversion
Physiologic and psychologic expresión of sexual behavior; the periods of infancy, adolescence, adulthood and postclimacteric state each have characteristic manifestations of sexuality
Sim-Huhner Test (post coital test):
A test for infertility in which cervical mucus is aspirated after coitus and examined for quality and presence or absence of infection
The motility, normality, and number of sperm are noted
Skene Glands
Vestibular glands that open into and wound the urethra
Chorionic Somatomammotropin
Same as human placental lactogen
Sonography (ultrasound, ultrasonography)
Diagnostic aid in which high frequency sound waves are used to image pelvic structures in pregnant and non-pregnant parties
Ability of cervical mucus to be drawn out into thread, characteristically greater than the preovulatory phases of the menstrual cycle
The location of the fetal presenting part (leading bony point) relative to the level of the ischial spines:
2+ station: presenting part is 2 cm BELOW the ischial spines
1- station: presenting part is 1cm ABOVE the ischial spines
Absolute inability to procreate
Stress incontinence:
Involuntary leakage of urine during increase in intraabdominal pressure as a result of weakness of the supports of the internal cesical sphincter and bladder neck
Striae Gravidarum:
Streaks or lines seen on the abdominal skin of pregnant women
Supine hypotensive syndrome:
Hypotensive syndrome often characterized by sweating, nausea, tachycardia
Occurs in some pregnant women in the supine position when the pregnant uterus obstructs IVC return to heart
Agent of factor that produces physical defects in developing embryo
Functioning ovarian tumor made of theca cells
Onset of breast development