Glossary sample sentences Flashcards
Preparation for the Australian Citizenship Test
Paul got a job in the … as a Centrelink officer.
Australian Public Service
There was … when the government passed the unpopular laws.
civil unrest
After the election, there was no party with a majority in the House of Representatives, so two parties with similar ideas joined to form a …
An independent … organises the elections.
Our Constitution established the Commonwealth of Australia as a …, with the King or Queen of the United Kingdom as our Head of State.
constitutional monarchy
When people break the law, they may go to …
After the …, the bank robber was sent to jail.
criminal trial
Grace was happy to live in a … where she could vote for her representative in parliament.
Jess was sent to jail for …
drug trafficking
Lin experienced … because her husband gave her no money.
economic deprivation
Australian citizens aged 18 years or over must vote in an …
When Jan arrived at the voting centre, the official looked for her name on the …
electoral roll
Police … and keep the peace.
enforce the law
Australian Government ministers and the Governor-General have … to administer the laws made by the Australian Parliament.
executive power
In 1901, the colonies were united into a … called the Commonwealth of Australia.
On Australia Day we remember the landing of the … at Sydney Cove on 26 January 1788.
First Fleet
Australia’s … is the golden wattle.
floral emblem
Sandi was in … because her husband did not allow her to visit friends or family.
forced isolation
At the citizenship ceremony, you promise to be loyal to Australia …
from this time forward
The Opera House is a famous Sydney …
The … of Australia make up 2.5 per cent of the Australian population.
Indigenous people
… values are those based on lessons from the Bible.
The courts in Australia have the … to interpret and apply the law.
judicial power
Under the constitution, parliament has …, that is, the power to make laws.
legislative power
In our democratic society, people have freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion and freedom of association. We value these …
liberties (liberty)
The … found the thief guilty and sent him to jail.
When my car broke down, the other drivers helped to push it in the spirit of …
Australia’s … is ‘Advance Australia Fair’.
national anthem
In a …, the people vote for their representatives.
parliamentary democracy
Abdul’s Japanese neighbour is a … of Australia and works at a bank.
permanent resident
Members of a … meet regularly, for example, to discuss improvements to public transport.
political party
Jose provided a valuable … by helping refugees to settle in Australia.
public service
In a 1967 …, the people voted to count Indigenous Australians in the census.
My local council … liked my idea and presented it at the council meeting.
The Senate, as the House of …, debated a taxation Bill from the Lower House.
In a …, no one else watches while you write your vote.
secret ballot
In a … society there is no official religion.
Governor Phillip … the first colony in New South Wales.
set up
The roads in my … are very safe.
When Trang lost her job, she had to apply for …
social security
Every year, I … and bet $10 on a horse in the Melbourne Cup.
try my luck
Raza is a … who teaches people English in their homes.