Glossary of Terms Flashcards
What does ADR stand for?
Aircraft Document Review
What does AETC stand for?
Air Education and Training Command
What does AEF stand for?
Air Expeditionary Force
What does AFCAT stand for?
Air Force Catalog
What does AFCDA stand for?
Air Force Career Development Academy
What does AFEMS stand for?
Air Force Equipment Management System
What does AFGE stand for?
American Federation of Government Employees
What does AFI stand for?
Air Force Instruction
What does AFMAN stand for?
Air Force Manual
What does AFMC stand for?
Air Force Material Command
What does AFOSH stand for?
Air Force Occupational Safety and Health
What does AFPD stand for?
Air Force Policy Directive
What does AFR stand for?
Air Force Reserve
What does AFRES stand for?
Air Force Reserves
What does AFSC stand for?
Air Force Specialty Code
What does AFTO stand for?
Air Force Technical Order
What does AGE stand for?
Aerospace Ground Equipment
What does AIDR stand for?
Acceptance Inspection Deficiency Report
What does AIM stand for?
Air Intercept Missile
What does AIR stand for?
Air Inflatable Retarders
What does AME stand for?
Alternate Mission Equipment
What does AMU stand for?
Aircraft Maintenance Unit
What does ANG stand for?
Air National Guard
What does ANGRC stand for?
Air National Guard Readiness Center
What does ANGUS stand for?
Air National Guard of the United States
What does APL stand for?
Automated Packing List
What does ART stand for?
Air Expeditionary Force Reporting Tool
What does AS stand for?
Allowance Standard
What does ASC stand for?
Allowance Source Code
What does ATO stand for?
Air Tasking Order
What does AUTODIN stand for?
Automatic Digital Network
What does AWP stand for?
Awaiting Parts
What does BCE stand for?
Base Civil Engineer
What does BIT stand for?
What does BSP stand for?
Base Support Plan
What does CA stand for?
Cannibalization Authorities
What does CA/CRL stand for?
Custody Authorization/Custody Receipt Listing
What does CAC stand for?
Common Access Card
What does CAF stand for?
Combat Air Force
What does CAMS stand for?
Core Automated Maintenance System
What does CANN stand for?
What does CAS stand for?
Combat Ammunition System
What does CAT stand for?
What does CBT stand for?
Computer-Based Training
What does CDC stand for?
Career Development Course
What does CE stand for?
Course Examination
What does CFETP stand for?
Career Field Education and Training Plan
What does CIRF stand for?
Certified Intermediate Repair Facility
What does CPR stand for?
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
What does CRC stand for?
Complete Round Code
What does CSMS stand for?
Combat Supply Management System
What does CSO stand for?
Concurrent Servicing Operation
What does CSS stand for?
Concurrent Servicing Supervisor
What does DD stand for?
Department of Defense Form
What does DDESB stand for?
Department of Defense Explosive Safety Board
What does “Demil” stand for?
What does DIFM stand for?
Due In From Maintenance
What does DIT stand for?
Data Integrity Team
What does DLA stand for?
Defense Logistics Agency
What does DLO stand for?
Dual Loading Operation
What does DOC stand for?
Designed Operational Capability
What does DoD stand for?
Department of Defense
What does DR stand for?
Deficiency Reporting
What does DRMO stand for?
Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office
What does DRRS stand for?
Defense Readiness Reporting System
What does DSN stand for?
Defense Switched Network
What does EAID stand for?
Equipment Authorized Inventory Data
What does EI stand for?
Engineering Investigation
What does EMS stand for?
Equipment Management Section
What does EOD stand for?
Explosive Ordinance Disposal
What does EOR stand for?
What does EPA stand for?
Electrostatic Protective work Area
What does EPR stand for?
Enlisted Performance Report
What does ERRC stand for?
Expendability, Recoverability, Reparability Category
What does ES stand for?
Exposed Site
What does ESD stand for?
Electrostatic Sensitive Device
What does ESP stand for?
Explosive Site Plan
What does ES-S stand for?
Enterprise Solution-Supply
What does FEQ stand for?
Field Evaluation Questionnaire
What does FSC stand for?
Federal Stock Class
What does FMS stand for?
Financial Management System
What does FD stand for?
Fault Detection
What does FI stand for?
Fault Isolation
What does GAO stand for?
Government Accounting Office