Glossary of Definitions for OCFRD SOPs/EOPs Flashcards
SOP 093
FDC Hydrant
a fire department connection located along a major elevated or bridged highway
SOP 093
Draft Hydrant (Dry Hydrant)
a hydrant/connection, either from a static water source, below or above ground storage tank, canal, or lake
SOP 125
Posting a Fire Watch
assigning an OCFRD company or unit to remain at the scene after overhaul is completed to monitor for any signs of smoke or fire, and will require the use of a thermal imaging camera (TIC). structures that have been heavily involved may require the posting of a crew for many hours
SOP 118
Front Run Unit
are permanently assigned a radio identification and a permanent location
SOP 118
Ready Reserve Units
Reserve units that are fully equipped and ready for deployment
SOP 118
Reserve Unit
Unit that are not fully equipped with ancillary fire and EMS equipment and used for replacement of front run apparatus on a temporary basis
SOP 037
A saved activation when the VER is triggered by an irregular driving activity or circumstance, or when the VER is triggered by manual activation of the system
SOP 037
Automatic Activation
a video/audio recording of an event when the VER is triggered by a predetermined force or movement by the vehicle. Which is determined by the sensitivity setting on the VER
SOP 037
Manual Activation
a video/audio recording of an event when the VER’s record button is manually pressed by a vehicle occupant
SOP 037
Video Event Recorder (VER)
a windshield mounted digital video/audio recorder, activated when a vehicle experiences unusual or significant movement and then records activities of the driver and passenger(s), and a front windshield view of what the driver sees outside of the vehicle
SOP 006
Corrective Disciplinary Action
action taken by a supervisor to provide corrective action for inappropriate work habits, behaviors, or violation of Orange County Policy Manual, Rules, Division SOPs, EOPs, and/or union contract
SOP 006
Non-Disciplinary Counseling
Not considered discipline. Informal documented discussion with a subordinate on any performance or behavior issue as the need arises. The counseling session may review both positive and/or negative aspects of employee performance
SOP 006
Oral Warning
Least severe form of discipline documented in writing by a supervisor for a specific violation. Should be used when less severe action has been unsuccessful or corrective action has not been taken by the employee, or for first time occurrences that warrant an oral warning
SOP 006
Written Reprimand
Discipline documented in writing by the supervisor for a specific violation. Should be used when less severe action has been unsuccessful or corrective action has not been taken by the employee, or for first time occurrences that warrant a written reprimand
SOP 006
Employee relieved of duty with or without pay. Discipline documented by the supervisor for a specific violation or when less severe action has been unsuccessful or corrective action has not been taken by the employee, or for first time occurrences that warrant suspension
SOP 006
Involuntary reassignment to a lower job classification or rank. Should be used when less severe action has been unsuccessful or corrective action has not been taken by the employee, or for first time occurrences that warrant a demotion
SOP 006
Termination from employment. Should be used when less severe action has been unsuccessful for corrective action has not been taken by the employee, or for first time occurrences that warrant termination
SOP 013
Family Members
Relationships established by blood, marriage, or legal action including spouse, mother/father, son/daughter, sister/brother, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepparent, stepchild, aunt/uncle, nephew/niece, grandparent, grandson, cousin. Family members also include domestic partners and children of an employee’s domestic partner. It shall be the employee’s responsibility to inform the department of any family relationships as defined herein.
SOP 013
Domestic Partners
Persons with whom the employee’s life is interdependent, and with whom the employee shares a common residence
SOP 013
The relationship of an intimate or romantic nature or conduct that creates the appearance or impression that such a relationship exits
SOP 013
Inappropriate Behavior
Behavior that is not conducive to a productive, courteous, and safe work environment
SOP 015
Unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:
1. submission to such conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of individual’s employment;
2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting an individual
3. such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment
SOP 015
Treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which the person or thing belongs, rather than according to actual merit
SOP 015
Inappropriate Behavior (harassment & discrimination)
Behavior that is inappropriate in the workplace, but may not rise to the level of harassment or discrimination. Examples may include display of inappropriate material, or offensive actions that do not constitute harassment or discrimination
SOP 030
Excused Sick Leave
any number of hours or days of absence resulting from illness or non-line of duty injury. For which an employee has obtained medical justification
SOP 030
Unexcused Sick Leave
any number of hours or days of absence resulting from illness or non-line of duty injury, for which an employee has not obtained medical justification
SOP 030
Approved Leave
any vacation, personal, term or sick leave used in accordance with established procedures, and authorized by the appropriate supervisor
SOP 035
Near Miss
a narrowly avoided collision or other accident
SOP 084
Is an OCFR employee who verifies that entries made in the electronic controlled substance log reflect the actual transaction that occurred. In no case shall a person act as a witness without authorization unless they have personally and visually verified the logged transaction. A witness must see a controlled substance be wasted, exchanged, or disposed of prior to signing as a witness
SOP 084
an auditor is any person who verifies that entries made into the log/software reflect the actual controlled substance carried in the box. An audit may be performed at any time
SOP 074
Square Rigger “SQ-7”
fire rescue fleet’s records management system. This computer application retains the department’s vehicle inventory, vehicle parts, vehicle work orders, vehicle preventative maintenance schedules, etc
SOP 074
Oracle Track-It Work Order System
The department’s primary computer application used for reporting deficiencies wit equipment, or to request some form of service
SOP 072
Key Fob
Station specific access for fueling small equipment with unleaded fuel
SOP 072
Fuel Control Terminal
Fueling kiosk that processes date and allows end-user access to fueling
SOP 072
Hose Module
data reader connected to the fuel nozzle which transmits vehicle information to the fueling program allowing fueling to occur
SOP 072
Fuel Tag
component of the EJ Ward fuel system located near the fuel port and serves as a transponder of data during fueling
SOP 072
component within the EJ Ward Fuel system that transmits vehicle data during the fueling process
SOP 072
EJ Ward Fuel System
a fuel dispensing system that requires an individual’s county ID proxy card for fueling
SOP 072
Manual Fuel Dispensing System
a fuel tank that lacks a automated fuel dispensing system and requires that an entry be made on the weekly fuel dispensing report
SOP 072
Automated Fuel Dispensing System
A fuel dispensing system that requires the use of a fuel card, fuel key, or other technology that identifies the unit which the fuel is being dispensed to, and requires the entering of the unit’s current odometer reading
SOP 072
Fuel Delivery Ticket
a receipt provided by the fueling vendor for the fuel delivered to each fuel tank and given to the fuel technician
SOP 072
End of Month Fuel Dispensing Report
report maintained by Fire Rescue Logistics of the amount of fuel dispensed from each tank and reported to the Orange County Comptroller’s Office on a monthly basis via Orange County Fire Finance
SOP 072
Weekly Fuel Dispensing Report
report maintained at each fuel tank location to account for the dispensing of fuel
SOP 072
Tank Dip
manual dipping of fuel tank to determine the fuel level
SOP 057
Acutomated vehicle location equipment installed in emergency response vehicles that allows the computer aided dispatch (CAD) system to know the exact location of emergency response units for dispatch to emergency incidents
SOP 043
1st Degree Event
any incident involving an OCFR vehicle where that vehicle remains in service and no injuries are reported (civilian or OCFR)
SOP 043
2nd Degree Event
any incident involving an OCFR vehicle where:
1. that vehicle remains in service and injuries are reported (civilian or OCFR)
2. that vehicle is placed out of service (OOS) with no injuries reported (civilian or OCFR)
3. the OCFR driver is issued an at-fault citation by law enforcement
SOP 043
3rd Degree Event
any incident involving an OCFR vehicle where that vehicle is placed OOS and injuries are reported (Civilian or OCFR)
SOP 045
Social Media
any form of computer or networking site or process such as Facebook, twitter, YouTube, web site, blogs, chat rooms, and other similar sites
SOP 045
Emerging Technologies
although this policy cannot predict new or emerging technologies, employees are advised to refer to these standards for guidance in utilizing any new or emerging social media technology
SOP 045
Spokesperson for the Department
an employee who makes a statement on behalf of the Department in their capacity as an employee, or in such a way that the statement may be reasonably by attributed to the department
SOP 045
the systematic or continued unwelcome actions of one party or group intended to demean, threaten, intimidate, or alarm another party or group
SOP 045
Hate Speech
Speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of traits such as race, ethnic origin, national origin, skin color, gender, religion, disability, age, incompatible with a commitment to serve all members of the communities
SOP 045
Protected Concerted Activity
employees action for mutual aid and protection regarding their terms, pay, or working conditions of employment
SOP 057
mobile data computer installed in emergency response vehicles for communications with the Fire Rescue Communications Center
SOP 046
The refusal to carry out a direct order
SOP 046
Direct Order
a clear and valid work order or directive
SOP 131
Bariatric Unit
a special call unit equipped with a hydraulic lift and a stretcher capable of safety handling patients up to 1,100 lbs in the down position
SOP 131
Bariatric Patient
is a patient, regardless of age, who has limitations in health and social care due to their weight, physical size, shape, width, health, mobility and environmental access, with one or more of the following:
- BMI > 40 kg/m2
- weight at or above 400 lbs
- abdominal grith above 72” at waist
SOP 093
Private Fire Hydrants
hydrants that are found on private property, maintained by the property owner, and connected to a private water main
SOP 093
Public Fire Hydrant
Hydrants owned by a utility company
SOP 137
Direct Source Exhaust Capture System
is a system that connects an extraction hose directly onto the exhaust pipe of a vehicle. Exhaust fumes are then exported out of the station bay
EOP 001
a motor-driven vehicle or group of vehicles designed and constructed for the purpose of fighting fires
EOP 001
a ground vehicle providing patient transport capability, specified equipment capability, and personnel
EOP 001
Allocated Resources
resources dispatched at an incident that has yet checked in which the incident commander
EOP 001
All Clear
the radio transmission used exclusively to report the completion of a primary search
EOP 001
Agency Representative
a person assigned by a primary, assisting, or cooperating Federal, State, Local, or tribal government agency or private entity, that has been delegated authority to make decisions affecting that agency’s or organization’s participation in incident management activities, following appropriate consultation with the leadership of the agency
EOP 001
The physical and/or chemical process of reducing and preventing the spread of contamination from persons and equipment used at a hazardous materials incident
EOP 001
A functional unit within the planning section responsible for assuring orderly, safe, efficient demobilization of resources committed to the incident
EOP 001
The evaluation and interpretation of measurements and other information to provide a basis for decision-making
EOP 001
Assigned Resources
Resources checked in and assigned work tasks on an incident report
EOP 001
Tasks given to resources to perform within a given operational period that are based on operational objectives defined in the IAP
EOP 001
Title for subordinates of principal command staff positions. The title indicates a level of technical capability, qualifications, and responsibility subordinate to the primary positions. Assistants may also be assigned to unit leaders
EOP 001
Assisting Agency
An agency or organization providing personnel, services, or other resources to the agency with direct responsibility for incident management
EOP 001
Available Resources
Resources assigned to an incident, checked in, and available for a mission assignment, normally located in a staging area
EOP 001
The organizational level having functional or geographical responsibility for major aspects of incident operations. A branch is organizationally situated between the section and division or group in the operations section, and between the section and units in the logistics section. Branches are identified by the use of Roman Numerals or by functional area
EOP 001
The location at which the primary logistics functions are coordinated and administered. There is one base per incident.
EOP 001
A collective term that refers to a stand of vegetation dominated by shrubby, woody plants, or by low-growing trees, usually of a type undesirable to livestock or timber management
EOP 001
Chain of Command
A series of command, control, executive, or management positions in hierarchical order of authority
EOP 001
The process through which resources first report to an incident. Check-in locations include the incident command post, resources unit, incident base, camps, staging areas, or directly on the site
EOP 001
The ICS title for individuals responsible for management of functional sections: operations, planning, logistics, finance/administration, and intelligence
EOP 001
Clear Text
The use of plain English in radio communication transmissions. No 10 codes or agency specific codes are used when using clear text.
EOP 001
The act of directing, ordering, or controlling by virtue of explicit statutory, regulatory, or delegated authority
EOP 001
Command Post (CP)
That location at which primary command functions are executed by the incident command
EOP 001
Command Staff
In an incident management organization, the command staff consists of the incident command and the special staff positions of public information officer, safety officer, liaison officer, and other positions as required, who report directly to the incident commander. Theu may have an assistant or assistants, as needed.
EOP 001
Common Operating Picture
A broad view of the overall situation as reflected by situation reports, aerial photography, and other information or intelligence
EOP 001
Communications Unit
An organizational unit in the logistics section responsible for providing communication services at an incident or an EOC. A communications unit may also be a facility (e.g. trailer or mobile van) used to support and incident communications center
EOP 001
Specific members assigned to staff an apparatus providing specified equipment capability, i.e. engine company, truck company, squad company, etc, who are under the command of a company officer
EOP 001
Company Officer
This individual who is in supervisory charge of a company and who is responsible for their performance, safety and welfare
EOP 001
Compensation/Claims unit
A functional unit within the finance/administration section. Responsible for tracking costs, analyzing cost data, making cost estimates, and recommending cost-savings measures
EOP 001
The actions taken to keep a material in its container or a wildfire within black-lines
EOP 001
A hazardous material that physically remains on or in people, animals, the environment, or equipment, thereby is creating a continuing risk of direct injury or a risk of exposure
EOP 001
The defensive or offensive procedures, techniques, and methods used in the mitigation of a fire, disaster, or hazardous materials incident
EOP 001
Control Zone
The areas at a hazardous materials incident that are designated based upon safety and the degree of hazard. These zones are defined as the hot, warm, and cold zones
EOP 001
Crew Leader (BOSS)
A person who is in supervisory charge of usually 10-20 fire fighters and who is responsible for their performance, safety, and welfare
EOP 001
Cooperating Agency
An agency supplying assistance other than direct operational or support functions or resources to the incident management effort
EOP 001
To advance systematically an analysis and exchange of information among principals who have or may have a need to know certain information to carry out specific incident management responsibilities
EOP 001
An organized group of fire fighters under the leadership of a crew leader or other designated assembled for an assignment such as search, ventilation, or hose line deployment and operations
EOP 001
Title for individuals responsible for command of a branch (NIMS terminology)
EOP 001
A fully qualified individual who, in the absence of a superior, can be delegated the authority to manage a functional operation to perform a specific task. Deputies can be assigned to the incident commander, General Staff, and Branch directors
EOP 001
Documentation Unit
Functional unit within the planning section/ Responsible for recording/protecting all documents relevant to the incident
EOP 001
The partition of an incident into geographical area of operation. Divisions are established when the number of resources exceeds the manageable span of control of the operations Chief. A Division is located within the ICS organization between the branch and resources in the operations section.
EOP 001
Dispatch Center
A facility from which resources are directly assigned to an incident via computer aided dispatch and radio, ie Orange County Dispatch/communications center
EOP 001
Absent a presidential declared emergency, any incident(s), human-caused or natural, that requires responsive action to protect life or property
EOP 001
Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
The physical location at which the coordination of information and resources to support domestic incident management activities normally takes place. An EOC may be a temporary facility or may be located in a more central or permanently established facility, perhaps at a higher level of organization within a jurisdiction
EOP 001
Emergency Operations Plan
The “steady-state” plan maintained by various jurisdictional levels, for responding to a wide variety of potential hazards
EOP 001
Emergency public information
Information that is disseminated primarily in anticipation of an emergency or during an emergency. In addition to providing situational information to the public, it also frequently provides directive actions required to be taken by the general public
EOP 001
Emergency Radio Traffic
Radio communications, which takes precedent over all other radio traffic. All other radio communications must cease when this notification is transmitted until the emergency radio traffic is completed and affirmed
EOP 001
Emergency response provider
Includes Federal, State, Local, and tribal emergency public safety, law enforcement, emergency response, emergency medical (including hospital emergency facilities), and related personnel, agencies, and authorities
EOP 001
Engine Company
A unit, which is equipped with a ground vehicle providing, specified levels of pumping, water, hose, personnel, tools, and equipment
EOP 001
Organized, phased, and supervised withdrawal, dispersal, or removal of civilians from dangerous or potentially dangerous area, and their reception and care in safe areas
EOP 001
a planned, non-emergency activity. ICS can be used as the management system for a wide range of events, eg parades, concerts, or sporting events
EOP 001
Facilities Unit
Functional unit within the support branch of the logistics section charged with providing and maintaining fixed facilities for the incident: These facilities may include the incident base, feeding areas, sleeping areas, sanitary facilities, and a formal command post (NIMS terminology)
EOP 001
Of or pertaining to the Federal Government of the United States of America
EOP 001
Finance/Administration Unit
Responsible for all costs and financial actions of the incident time unit, procurement unit, compensations/claims unit and the cost unit (NIMS terminology)
EOP 001
Department Operations Center (DOC)
the area in the OCFRD headquarters building, which is activated to coordinate OCFRD operations during a disaster
EOP 001
Food Unit
Functional unit within the service branch of the logistics section (NIMS terminology) charged with providing food and water to emergency staff
EOP 001
Full Complement
OCFRD term for a full first alarm assignment
EOP 001
Refers to the five major activities in ICS: command, operations, planning, logistics, and finance/administration. The term function is also used when describing the activity involved, e.g. the planning function. A sixth function, intelligence, may be established if required, to meet incident management needs.
EOP 001
General Staff
A group of incident management personnel organized according to function and reporting to the incident commander. The general staff normally consists of the Operations section chief, planning section chief, logistics sections chief, and finance/administration section chief.
EOP 001
Ground Support Unit
Functional unit within the service branch of the logistics section responsible for fueling/maintaining/repairing vehicles and the transport of personnel and supplies