Glossary/Definitions Flashcards
Acceptance Testing
A form of testing used to determine if the requirements of a specification or contract are met
An adjustment made to a set of financial accounts to reflect activity that has occurred but for which cash has not yet been received or paid
Annual Planning Cycle
Planning involves a number of activities, such as analysis of opportunities, setting aims, exploring options, producing detailed plans and reviewing the plans against expectations. A cycle of activities as the result where each activity might need the previous activity revised before the final plan is accepted
Approved supplier List
A list of approved suppliers who have the skills ( for example, technical, functional or financial) to undertake the work
Arm’s length relationship
The relationship between two parties where either or both of the parties are not interested in developing a closer relationship
Asset Value
The value of everything an organisation owns
Bargaining Power
The relative ability of one party to exert influence over another in a negotiation or commercial dealing
Benchmarked prices
Comparing an element of one business, such as price, quality, or service, against another
Bill of materials
A comprehensive list of components, items, materials and parts to create a product, essentially a recipe for the production of an item
Break-even point
The level of output of a business at which revenue equals total cost
Breakthrough result
The achievement of a particularly important and significant result
Business Case
A justification for a proposed project or undertaking on the basis of its investment and cost implications balanced against its expected benefits
Business Requirement
The activities that meet the need of, and provide value to, the business (also called business need)
Business Requirements Definition (BRD)
Sets out what the product or service needs to achieve if all stakeholders are to be satisfied
Buying off-contract
The purchase of an item without a contract when a contract for that item already exists
Call off
The purchase of an item using a framework agreement that has already been through a procurement process
The ability of a supplier to meet an organisations specific business requirements
A measure of the rate at which the operations function can transform its inputs into a quantity of product or service outputs in a given timescale
The amount of money going into and out of a business
Change management
The process, tools and techniques for dealing with the people aspect of change to achieve the business outcome required
Collaborative agreement
This is a long term agreement between a buying organisation and a selling organisation which sets out how each party proposes to share information, costs, risks and results by working together on a product or service
Company annual reports
Reports released once a year as a way of communicating with shareholders about the performance of a company
Competitive assessment/’teardown’
The act of disassembling a competitor or supplier product into its component parts so that its costs can be estimated
Competitive bids
Suppliers’ submissions in the process, by which an organisation selects from a number of competing suppliers to award a contract
Consumer markets
A marketplace involving individual consumers rather than businesses or companies
Continuous Improvement
An ongoing effort to improve products, processes and services
Corporate goals
The targets set by an organisation or company that will achieve the organisations mission or objectives
Cost estimating
The process for arriving at the approximate cost of a product or service
Cost leadership
A strategy used by businesses in order to gain a competitive advantage by having the lowest cost of operation within their particular industry
Cost model
A process designed to assess and calculate all costs associated with producing or delivering a product or service and arrive at a provable end cost
Cost-benefit analysis
A technique for deciding whether to follow a particular course of action based on its financial impact
Cost-down approach
The reduction of a cost in the manufacture of a product or the delivery of a service by means of changing an item in the specification
Cost-out approach
The elimination of a cost in the manufacture of a product or the delivery of a service by means of removing an item from the specification
Principles or standards used to judge or decide something
Critical path
The sequence of steps in a project plan that together determine the shortest time to complete the project
Cross-functional collaboration
A group of people with different skills and specialisms coming together to achieve a common purpose
Cross-functional team
Teams that involve individuals from different departments who work together towards a common goal. this could be a group of people working on a defined project who come from different functions or departments of the company. It can also include members who are from outside the company such as suppliers
Withdraw an item from active use or service
Design Specification
A detailed document that sets out the precise way that a product must be built or a service delivered and includes any technical drawings, standards that must be met and dimensions
When a product or brand stands out as being unique to customers when compared to its competitors
Direct costs
Costs that are directly associated with the production of a good or service
Direct marketing
When products are sold directly to the consumer rather than through retailers
Distribution channel
The network used to get a product or service from the manufacturer or creator to the end user or consumer. It can include wholesalers, agents and retailers and can include online channels
Early adopters
A group of consumers who are the first after the innovators to buy or use a new product or technology
Early supplier involvement
The involvement of a supplier in the product development process from a very early stage in order to use the supplier’s experience and expertise
The consideration of people’s efficiency in the work environment
Exit barriers
Obstacles that prevents a business form leaving an industry
Financial budget
A plan for a defined period, usually twelve months, showing either revenues or costs, or both
Financial ratios
Analysis using data from financial statements to identify and monitor trends in performance, for example, profitability, liquidity and debt
Fixed costs
Business costs that remain the same irrespective of the volume of activity of a business
Framework agreement
An arrangement that is put in place with one or more suppliers for the supply of a range of suppliers or services in which the prices (or a pricing formula) and terms and conditions are all agreed for the duration of the period of the arrangement
Functional Requirements
Functional requirements describe what a product or service should do
Functional test
A form of testing whether the functions of a product as set out in the specification are achieving their objective
A graphical display in which data is grouped into ranges and then the frequency of those ranges is shown in a bar chart
Hybrid strategies
Strategies that combine the best parts of two or more strategies
Indirect costs
The general running costs of the organisation - these costs cannot easily be attributed to specific products or services (also known as overheads)
People who like to be the first to try new ideas, goods and services
Invitation to tender (ITT)
A formal invitation sent to suppliers inviting them to make an offer to supply goods or services
Issues management
The process of identifying and resolving issues