Glossary Definitions Flashcards
Tropisim (plant )
The DIRECTIONAL Growth of a plant organ in response to a stimulus like Light, Gravity or touch.
(+ve or -ve)
Nastic Response (plant)
A NON-DIRECTIONAL response of plant organ to the intensity of stimuli. E.g; thermonasty ( tulips open in warmth).
Kinesis (Animal)
The change in the rate of movement of an animal in response to NON-DIRECTIONAL stimuli. E.g; slaters move more when exposed to light)
Taxes (Animal)
DIRECTIONAL orientation movement towards/AWAY from stimuli.
The ability of organisms to return home/base after searching for mates or foraging.
A regular annual mass movement of populations from breeding nesting to the feeding site and return.
Migratory restlessness
Pineal Gland (birds)
an outgrowth of forebrain related to secreting melatonin which regulates activity patterns.
Pulvini cells (plants)
Cells at base of leaves which can rapidly change turgor pressure and cause lead to droop rapidly.
Sun compass
Ability to navigate using sun movemnt and a body clock.
Geomagnetic compass
ability of organisim to use magnetic lines around earth to navigate
star compass
= using the position of the stars to navigate
SCN (Suprachiasmic Nuclei) (mammal)
Area in brain of mammals which detect photoperiodism.
mechanism to remove stimulus or gravity in plant or cell growth.
hormone in plants made in shoot tip and root tip whhc involved in growth movement. Causes differeital elongation.
Optic lobe (insects)
Area in insects to detect photoperiodism
A cycle of one year (365 days)
Activity record of an organism
Bio clock
internal mechanism controlling onset of activity
24 hrs
Period of arrested growth (e.g hibernation)
activity during day (animal)
the endogenous activity of a free-running organism with a period of a day.
activity pattern of organism is at dawn and dusk
synchronisation of an activity pattern to a zeitgeber so both have same period
dependent on external cues/stimulus
free running
Endogenous rhtyhm of an organism exhibits int he absence of a enviro cue.
the hormone. chemical released by pineal gknad sdent to scn responsible to help control body’s sleep patterns.
activity at night
phase shift
process where onset of activity of endo rhthym= advanced.
Zeitgeber …
time giver.