Globalisation and the digital social world Flashcards
What does Pountney observe about globalisation?
It is used to describe a process which dates back thousands of years- the migration of tribes across continents, the conquest and colonisation of much of Africa, Asia and South America by Europeans, the spread of Islam and Christianity across the world and slave trade are all features of early globalisation
What do some sociologists say globalisation is?
All the processes by which the very different people and culture of the world have been incorporated into one single global society
Why do sociologists say that globalisation accelerated in the 20th century?
Because of developments in in digital forms of technology
What are the 2 different views of defining globalisation?
- a positive process that will eventually produce tolerant and responsible world citizens and raise the standard of living
- a negative thing as it sometimes results in cultural homogenisation
What are examples of globalisation occurring at different speeds in different parts of the world?
The digital social revolution has resulted in a digital divide between the developed world and the less developed world (e.g. Africa) as people in the latter are less likely to have an internet connection or own smart phones
What is an example of nation state mentality that contradicts the idea of globalisation?
What is meant by the ‘digital revolution’?
The transition from technical equipment to digital equipment that has taken place over the last 3 decades
What has lead to an explosion of new types of digital communication devices?
The fact that all information, regarding format, can now be converted into binary code
What is technological convergence?
Different types of information could be combined into a single delivery system in the form of communication devices such as laptops, tablets etc
What does Pountney say digital platforms have developed?
New types of programmes called ‘apps’ which help people communicate more easily and help people manage their lives, relationships, health, diet and shopping. These apps can be highly individualised so that people can adapt them to their own particular needs
What did McLuhan theorise?
He predicted the emergence of a ‘global village’ which means that the globe has become more interconnected and smaller and therefore more similar
What does Castells argue about western societies?
They have entered a late-modern period of capitalism in which the main resource is information
What effect does Castells say digital technology has on power?
It decentralises power- digital tech has resulted in more power in the hands of the people
What is media convergence?
The process by which multiple media technologies are brought together into one computerised device e.g. the BBC website
What can be another definition of media convergence?
Refers to ways in which social media platforms converge and are able to communicate with one another to share contacts