Globalisation Flashcards
What are interconnections driven by?
- flows of goods
- flows of capital
- flows of people
- flows of ideas
The shrinking world points
- development of containers
- growth of logistics industry - movement of containers
- rapid developments in ICT
- social networking
- cyber security
Key points for decision making
- most FDI by TNCs in foreign countries currently originates from developed countries
- emerging economies - China - increasing FDI
- much Chinese investment is in developing countries
The EU points
- 28 members
- established under the Treaty of Rome
- created by a desire to form political and economic unions to prevent another war
The ASEAN points
- 10 southeast Asian countries
- aims include accelarating economic growth and social progress and promoting regional peace
Other countries have…
- opened up markets to competition - free market liberalisation
- encouraged privatisation
- providing grants for new businesses
Key characteristics of SEZs
- unions are often banned
- environmental regulations are limited
- tarriff and quota free allowing manafactured goods to be exported with no extra cost
- good infrastructure
- taxes are low
The KOF measures…
- economic globalisation - investment n money flows
- social globalisation - tourist flows
- political globalisation
- occur in a wide range of industries
- responsible for developing global supply chains through investment
- making further investments in Latin America, southeast Asia
- tend to have headquaters in developed countries
- taking advantage of economic liberalisation
- manafacturing takes place in place with low labour costs
- often take advantage of outsourcing their production
Why are some people switched off from globalisation?
- political isolation - eg - North Korea
- physical isolation - eg - Nepal
- economic isolation - eg - Sahel countries of Africa
The global shift key points
- during last 30 years - economic global shift to Asian countries
- manafacturing jobs moved from Western Europe to China and Asian countries
- service industries have also moved especially to India
Why has there been a recent slow down in the global shift?
- financial crash in 2007/8
- Chinese economy maturing and growth rate recently halved
- growing signs of opposition to globalisation
Why has rapid urbanisation occured?
- rural-urban migration taking place due to push and pull factors
- life expectancy and natural population increase is greater in urban areas
- development of megacities where there are marked social and environmental challenges
What sort of migrants do hub cities attract?
- highly paid professionals - lawyers/bankers
- very wealthy people seeking to establish bases away from home
- low skilled people to service wealthy - maids, nannies
- low skilled people to build homes
Diffusion and erosion of the global culture key factors
- globalisation accused of cultural diffusion creating westernisation
- consumer based TNCs (cococola) sell similar products through their global marketing strategies
- global media corporations reinforce western culture
- global tourism increasing
- political leaders and their policies advocate importance of wealth creation and business ethic
- social media trends features music, fashion etc
- cultural erosion taken place in some parts of the world
Concerns about cultural impacts and about economic and envrionmental exploitation have led to opposition to globalisation from:
- groups - anti globalisation movements protest against resource consumption and exploitation of workers
- nations - some suggest Brexit vote was rebellion against offshoring jobs to emerging economies
- individuals - Trump signalled more protectionist measures: trade tariffs and initiatives to reshore jobs back to USA
Gini coefficient points
- values between 0 (perfect equality) -100 (perfect inequality)
- the lower the GC the more equally household income is distributed
- therefore measure of overall extent to which households from the bottom of the income distribution upwards receive less than an equal share of income
How has globalisation posed a threat to the global environment?
- creating pollution (air/water/dereliction)
- having a high ecological footprint
What major environmental issues are linked to globalisation?
- use of 40% of earth’s land as agriculture land - loss of biodiversity
- intensive cash cropping, aquaculture bring damaging effects - groundwater depletion
What tensions has globalisation caused?
- some countries have a large immigrant population resulting from diaspora
- in some areas these populations have been facilitated by open borders
- TNCs have made use of liberal policies and increased their FDI
- demands to limit immigration have increased due to rising demand on services
- some extremist groups have increased popularity
- concerns over use of water across national boundaries
Some governments try to control spread of globalisation through…
- laws can be strengthened to limit number of economic migrants - illegal immigration is however hard to tackle
- limiting access to information online
- trade protectionism being considered by some governments - USA
- resource nationalism - individual countries seek to limit access to rare materials
- some indigenous people seek to retain cultural identity
Initial point of sustainability
- globalisation is associated with a range of environmental stresses - growing food, water + energy supply - put increased pressure on natural resources
What may localism result in?
- boycotting of supermarket products with high food miles
- formation of local pressure groups and NGOs
- increase in the cost of essential goods which may not be viable for people on low incomes
Many people have ethical concerns regarding…..
- social cost of worker exploitation and/or levels of fair income
- amount of packaging for products
- ecological footprint of a goods production and transport to markets
Recycling points
- local authorities play key role in reducing waste and ecological footprints
- recycling process requires use of large amounts of energy and water
- energy is also used to transport waste to recycling sites
- long term solution to design out waste altogether