globalisation Flashcards
the increased interconnectedness and interdependence of people and countries resulting from the expanding in areas such as trade, finance, people and ideas in one global marketplace
is the transfer or dispersal of cultural elements from one group of people to other groups of people
is the alternation or adjustment in response to a changed environment
the modification of global products and ideas to suit local condition
meeting the needs of current and future generation through simultaneous environmental, social and economic adaption and improvement
time-space convergence
the process by which places can be said to become closer to each other as the time taken to travel between them decreases
The processes of globalisation in relation to:
changes in the spatial distribution of the
production and consumption of commodities,
goods and services
- development of communications, railways and steamships enhance spatial distribution
- once networks of road, railways, ports and trading systems were established to connect colonial their possessions back to Europe.
- an example of globalisation and trade is the Silk Road, which was a network of trade routes the connect people across china, the middle east and europe in 130BCE.
- the factors contributing to the growth in consumption having been fuelled by china’s role as a key manufacturer, representing 30% of their total economic input.
- this growth has boosted the middle class in china, who now have more disposable income as they represent a key part of spending, especially as tourists
The processes of globalisation in relation to:
the diffusion and adaptation of elements of
- diffusion will only occur if people also adopt the new ideas, values, product or technology in other places.
- netflix started as an american video-rental company in 1997 and adapted its model to offer online subscriptions as the internet became more widespread.
- this service has diffused globally, expanding from USA to Canada followed by the UK
- now available in 190 countries
shrinking world
- the distance between 2 points measured in kms is no longer adequate indication of the accessibility of one point to the other.
- due to the advancement of technology and transportation, travelling that used to take 2 weeks by steamships now could take hours by planes.
world cities
- dominate in terms of economic and culture matters.
- usually the centre of multinational corporations which are located in world cities due to the location of stock exchanges and major banks.
- multinational corporations require large amounts of capital hence the requirement to locate near financial institutions
economic world cities
- the most common measure used to identify and rank world cities is to count the number of head offices of multinational corporations that a city has
- this is bc: most large corporations tend to be headquartered in cities containing the worlds most important stock exchange and the head offices of the largest of the world’s banks.
cultural world cities
- world cities also tend to have the highest-quality university and research constitutions so they have a city full of highly skilled and qualified people
- new delhi is the world’ most polluted capital city in the world with air pollution killing more indians in 2019 than any other risk factor.
- air pollution causes serious health implications: burning eyes, headaches, brain and liver damage and increased blood clots which can lead to cancer
- indian gov disregards these this issue as officials see it as a price to pay to ensure rapid economic growth to lift people out of poverty.
> however this decision can be debated, with income inequality increasing in India, making India the country with the second-worst income inequality, behind russia - india has continued to manufacture but has been challenged by AI and automation, replacing 3.2million jobs
- the economic and social impact of these losses is significant, with india experiencing inconsistent economic growth
- economic impacts due to the pandemic include female participation in the workforce increased as the country industrialised but at the same time birth rate declined.