Global Talent Management Flashcards
What are the 4 components of 4-D teams?
Diverse representation
Dispersed geographically
Digitally collaborative
Dynamic membership
What are the potential benefits of having a diverse team, and what are the potential costs?
- broadens range of ideas generated = boosts innovation
- adds more skillsets from which to draw for higher solution quality
- contributes voices of multiple stakeholder types, improving services
- higher susceptibility to miscommunication and misunderstandings
- increased need for contact time to build connections
- comm/logistic heuristics (=shortcuts) may not be common
What are the potential benefits of having a team that is dispersed geographically, and what are the potential costs?
- closer to clients, improve service while reducing costs
- broader talent pool w/o geographic constraints
- time arbitrage increases round-the-clock efficiency
- asynchronous collaboration/communication
- increased coordination burden for live/in-person contact
- higher legal and financial complexity
What are the potential benefits and costs of work today being increasingly digitally collaborative?
- supports geographic/time dispersion & individual flexibility
- enables simultaneous/asynchronous collab
- automation improves quality and efficiency of some tasks
- may reduce incentive for live/in-person conection, weakening ties
- “always on” blurs the lines between professional and personal lives
- imposes learning curves for new tools and processes
–> slack, Microsoft Teams, …
What are some of the potential benefits and costs of having dynamic team memberships?
- more agility by assembling the right people + talent for a given task
- benefit from skills + experience developed elsewhere
- increased shared learning opportunities/individual exposure
- higher frequency of new team stages (forming, storming, norming) which could lead to more friction or misunderstandings
- more individual switching job for new projects/contexts, becoming more expensive and decrease productivity
What are the 4 keys to greatness for teams?
- Compelling direction (challenging, consequential, attainable goals)
- Supportive context from the start(physical, financial, human, knowledge
- Strong structure (balance between members, diversity and well-established norms)
- Shared mindset (accept differences, build bridges, foster communities)
What is an ethnocentric approach to a staffing policy?
key management positions filled by parent-country nationals
What is a polycentric approach to a staffing policy?
host-country nationals manage subsidiaries, parent-country national fill key HQ roles
What is a geocentric approach to a staffing policy?
key jobs staffed without consideration of candidate nationality
What does Max Weber’s theory on Protestant Work Ethic claim?
The desire for material wealth is a prime motivation to work - it promotes economic dvp and ppl are more eager to work when the rewards for success are are high = if u do smt well in this world, u will be rewarded in heaven
What is the masculinity-femininity index?
high masculinity score prefers ‘to live to work’ than ‘work to live’
high femininity score emphasizes ‘quality of life’ and social relationship
What is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory?
The theory is a classification system intended to reflect the universal needs of society as its base, then proceeding to more acquired emotions.
Why is talent management often disregarded within MNC’s?
Talent management is often one of the weakest capabilities in large multinationals - lower priority accorded to ‘soft’ functions vs technical areas bc most challenging to measure results
What are some of the areas to be aware off when doing talent management?
●fitting too closely w dominant aspects of local culture might not be best strategy
○each culture has variation within
○MNC talent management systems might attract those who are different - “cultural misfits”
○MNCs often want to recruit those who are individualistic, Westernized, and willing to take risks
Upon which factors are expatriates selected?
Self-orientation -> high self-esteem & confidence
others-orientation -> effective interaction across cultures
perceptual ability -> degree of empathy
cultural toughness -> capacity to adjust to new situations
What are elements of divergent cultures?
power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity-femininity index, individualism-collectivism
What are some challenges in global talent management in the context of international business?
●compensation practices across borders
●labour laws and embedded union-company relations
●working norms and expectations for hours, time off, …
●acculturation by expatriate managers
Define acculturation
process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group