Global Interstate System Flashcards
Max weber define it as a compulsory political organization with a centralized government that maintains a monopoly of the legitimate use of force within a certain territory.
It is a independent political communities each of which possesses a government and asserts sovereignty in relation to a particular portion of the earth’s surface and a particular segment of the human population
an imagined political community and imagined as both inherently limited and sovereign.
the members of even the smallest nation will never know most of their fellow- members, meet them, or even hear of them, yet in the minds of each lives the image of their communion.
It is imagined/ nation is imagined
even the largest of them, encompassing perhaps a billion human beings, has finite, if elastic, boundaries, beyond which lie other nations.
Nation is imagined as limited
the concept was born in an age in which Enlightenment and Revolution were destroying the legitimacy of the divinely ordained, hierarchical dynastic realm…nations dream of being free, and if under God, directly so.
It is imagined as sovereign/nation is imagined as sovereign
The gauge and emblem of this freedom is the sovereign state.
It is imagined as sovereign/nation is imagained as sovereign
regardless of actual inequality and exploitation that may prevail in each, the nation is always conceived as a deep horizontal comradeship.
It is imagined as community/nation is imagined as community
territorial organizations characterized by the monopolization of legitimate violence (qua states)
Nation-state are territorial organizations characterized by the monopolization of legitimate violence.
Qua states
membership associations with a collective identity and a democratic pretension to rule (qua nation).
Nation-states are membership associations with a collective identity and a democratic pretension to rule.
Qua Nation
imposes a forced choice upon states either to conform to free market principles or run the risk of being left behind.
globalization imposes a forced choice upon states either to conform to free market principles or run the risk of being left behind is termed into a phrase called?
Golden Straitjacket
It used to illustrate the forcing of states into policies that suit the preferences of investment houses and corporate executives
Golden Straitjacket
There are two things that will happen if a country is in Golden Straitjacket:
The economy grow and the politics shrinks
it narrows the political and economic policy choices of those in power to relatively tight parameters.
is the intensification of the influence and dominance of capital.
is the elevation of capitalism as a mode of production into an ethic, a set of political imperatives, and a cultural logic.
It is a project to strengthen, restore, or, in some cases, constitute anew the power of economic elites.
It values market exchange as an ethic in itself capable of acting as a guide to all human action and substituting for all previous held ethical beliefs.
It emphasizes the significance of contractual relations in the marketplace.
It also holds that the social good will be maximized by maximizing the reach and frequency market transactions, and it seeks to bring all human action into domain of the market.
is the power or national governments to make decisions independently of those made by other governments.
Economics Sovereignty
Counter point of national sovereignty
Economic sovereignty
In a globalized world economy, governments have no alternative but to adopt these policies of privatization, deregulations, and reductions in public expenditures.
Neoliberal economic policies
It refers to the acceptance of a given state as a member of the international community.
International Legal Sovereignty
It is based on the principle that one sovereign state should not interfere in the domestic arrangements of another.
Westphalian Sovereignty
It is the capacity and willingness to control flows of people, goods and capital into and out of the country.
Interdependence Sovereignty
It is the capacity of a state to choose and implement policies within the territory.
Domestic Sovereignty
is the process of industrial, political, legal, economic, social and cultural integration of states wholly or partially in Europe.
European Integration
It has primarily come about through the European Union and its policies.
European Integration
an international organization comprising 28 European countries and governing common economic, social, and security policies.
European Union
can be described as a process and a means by which a group of countries strives to increase their level of welfare.
Economic Integration
It is an arrangement between different regions that often includes the reduction or elimination of trade barriers, and the coordination of monetary and fiscal policies.
Economic Integration
happens when there’s an agreement on reducing or eliminating tariff (tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports) barriers on selected goods imported from other members of countries within the geographical region or areas.
Preferential Trade Areas (PTA’s)
created when two or more countries in a region agree to reduce or eliminate barriers to trade on
all goods coming from other members.
Free Trade Areas (FTA’s)
eliminate import tariffs as well as import quotas between signatory countries.
Free Trade Areas (FTA’s)
Removal of tariff barriers between members, together with the acceptance of a common or unified external tariff against non-members is involved in the?
Customs Union
Removing internal barriers to trade and requiring participating nations to harmonize their external policy as well as building a free trade area are put up by?
Customs Union
One major step towards economic integration.
Common Market (CM)
The trading bloc that has both a common market between members, and a common trade policy towards non-members, although members are free to pursue independent macro-economic policies is termed?
Economic Union
It requires coordinated monetary and fiscal policies as well as labor market, regional development, transportation and industrial policies.
Economic Union
Here the use of a common currency and a unified monetary policy is considered.
Economic Union
key stage towards complete integration
Economic and Monetary Union
involves a single economic market, a common trade policy, a single currency and a common monetary policy.
Economic and Monetary Union
involves the coordination of economic and fiscal policies, a common monetary policy and a common currency, the euro.
Economic and Monetary Union
is a means to provide stability and for stronger, more sustainable and inclusive growth across the euro area and the EU as a whole for the sake of improving the lives of EU citizens.
Economic and Monetary Union
is the final stage of economic integration in which member states completely forego independence of both monetary and fiscal policies.
Complete Economic Integration
There is full monetary union where regulations regarding labor and capital are shared between member states and this includes a single currency. There is also a complete harmonization of fiscal policy which includes shared regulation of tax and benefit rates.
Complete Economic Integration
It involved single economic market, common trade policy, and a single currency, a common monetary policy, together with a single fiscal policy a single currency, including common tax and benefit rates or the complete harmonization of all policies, rates, and economic trade rules.
Complete Economic Integration
refers to the integration of components within political systems; the integration of political systems with economic, social, and other human systems; and the political processes by which social, economic, and political systems become integrated.
Political Integration
is mainly based on welfare increasing effects of integrated policy making according to the Economics of European integration. It brings economic benefits by leading the recovery of effectiveness in policy making.
Policy Integration
This theory focuses on the supranational institutions of the EU of which the main driving forces of integration are interest group activity at the European and national levels, political party activity, and the role of governments and supranational institutions.
Main driving force integration
Interest group activity
mostly seen as an upper class- driven process- driven by national and international political and economic upper crusts.
European Integration
It is a theory of regional integration
Its core is the use of the concept ‘spill-over’
situations when an initial decision by governments to place a certain sector under the authority of central institutions creates pressures to extend the authority of the institutions into neighboring areas of policy, such as currency exchange rates, taxation, and wages.
Spill-over effect/concept of spill over
This theory provides a conceptual explanation of the European integration process.
Its main concept is emphasizing on the role of national states in the European integration; in another words it argues that “European integration is drive by the interest and actions of nation states”
The theory proposed the Logic of Diversity, which ‘set limits to the degree which the ‘spill-over’
process can limit the freedom of action of the governments…
It implies that on vital issues, losses are not compensated by gains on other issues’
Logic of diversity
This a dominant political theory developed by Andrew Moravsik in 1993 to explain European integration.
Liberal Intergovernmentalism
Application of rational institutionalism to the field of European integration is the aim of this theory.
Liberal Intergovernmentalism
This stated that the bargaining power of member states is important in the pursuit of integration,
and package deals and side payments also occur in the process of making deals.
Liberal Intergovernmentalism
This theory emphasized the importance of institutions in the process of European integration. Its three key strands are: rational choice, sociological and historical.
New Institutionalism
dispersion of authority across multiple levels of political governance.
Multi-level Governance
can be defined as the mobilization of collective claims by actors located in more than one country and/or addressing more than one national government and/or international governmental organization or another international actor.
Transnational Activism
It is a social movements and other society organizations and individuals operating across state borders.
Transnational Activism
refers to the the coordinated international campaigns on the part of networks of activists against international actors, other states, or international institutions
Transnational Activism
a type of group action
Social Movement
It refers to the organizational structures and strategies that may empower oppressed populations to mount effective challenges and resist the more powerful and advantaged elites.
Social Movement
They are large, sometimes informal, groupings of individuals or organizations which focus on specific political or social issues.
Social Movement
They carry out, resist, or undo a social change.
Social Movement
They provide a way of social change from the bottom within nations.
Social Movement
a collective challenges to elites, authorities, other groups or cultural codes by people with common purposes and solidarity in sustained interactions with elites, opponents and authorities.
Social Movement
describes the loose collection of individuals and groups often referred to as a “movement of movements”
Global Justice Movement
Who advocate fair trade rules and are negative to current institutions of global economic such as world trade organization.
Global Justice Movement
The movement is often labeled the anti-globalization movement by the mainstream media.
Global Justice Movement
multifaceted as the internationalism.
New-transnational Activisim
Is a computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas and information and the building of virtual networks and communities.
Social Media
It opens up potential for citizens to gain leverage.
New Media