Global Health Flashcards
what are the following definitions of:
(a) probability of a child born in a specific year or period dying before reaching the age of 5
(b) probability of a child born in a specific year or period dying before reaching the age of 1
(a) UNDER 5 MORTALITY RATE - probability of a child born in a specific year or period dying before reaching the age of 5
(b) INFANT MORTALITY RATE - probability of a child born in a specific year or period dying before reaching the age of 1
name the top 5 cause of under 5 mortality both globally and in Africa alone
globally -
- preterm birth complications
- pneumonia
- intrapartum-related complications
- diarrhoea
- neonatal sepsis
Africa -
- diarrhoea
- pneumonia
- malaria
- preterm birth complications
- intrapartum-related complications
outline the risk factors, prevention and treatment of pneumonia
risk factors - malnutrition, over-crowding, indoor air pollution and parental smoking
prevention - vaccinations, breastfeeding and good hygiene
treatment - access to community health or hospitals
outline the causes, prevention and treatment of diarrhoea
causes - contaminated water and food source
prevention - safe drinking water, good hygiene, sanitation, breastfeeding and vaccination
treatment - oral rehydration solution (ORS), zinc supplements
how does HIV present in childhood?
recurrent diarrhoea oral candidiasis meningitis failure to thrive lymphadenopathy fever encephalopathy chronic parotitis
name the diagnostic tests for HIV at:
(a) <18 months
(b) >18 months
(a) <18 months - virological PCR for HIV DNA or RNA
(b) >18 months - serological rapid antibody test
name the staging for HIV:
(a) clinical
(b) immunological
(c) virological
clinical staging: 1-4
immunological staging: CD4 count
virological staging: viral load
name the HIV treatment
HAART: Two NRTIs plus one NNRTI or protease inhibitor
abacavir and lamivudine + efavirenz or kaletra
name the presentation and risk factors for TB
presentation: chronic cough, fever, night sweats, weight loss
risk factors: HIV, malnutrition, household contact
outline the TB investigations and treatment
investigations: acid-fast bacilli, CXR, Mantoux
2 months of Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide +/- Ethambutol
4 months of isoniazid and rifampicin
(2 RIPE 4 RI)
name the vaccination for TB
BCG vaccination
how do you get malaria?
plasmodium parasite from female anopheles mosquito
name the most severe form of malaria
P. falciparum - rapidly progress to severe cerebral malaria, seizures and coma
name the malaria investigation, treatment and prevention
investigation - blood film microscopy or rapid diagnostic test
treatment - artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) for 3 days
severe - IM or IV artesunate
prevention - insecticidal nets
severe acute malnutrition is diagnosed by the following:
(a) mid arm circumference of
(a) mid arm circumference of < 115mm
(b) weight for height < -3SD
(c) OEDEMA of both feet