(9) Threats and challenges that the world is facing
- Terrorists
- Proliferation of WMDs
- Environmental Degradation
- Natural Disasters
- Famine in the Horn of Africa
- Flooding in Southeast Asia
- Humanitarian Crisis in Syria
- Piracy and Transnational Crimes
- Pandemics
- sum of many ways individuals and institutions, public and private, manage their common affairs (commission on ______________).
Global Governance
related activities, rules and mechanisms, formal and informal, existing at a variety of levels in the world today, also referred to as the piece of global governance (kams and mingst).
collection of governance
(8)Pieces of Global Governance
- International Law
- International Norms or Soft Law
- International Organizations (IGOs)
- NGOs
- International Regimes
- Global Conference
- Ad hoc Arrangements
- Private Governance
- is a set of rules and principles governing relations between sovereign states and other international actors, such as organizations and individuals. It encompasses areas like human rights, treaties, trade, and conflict aiming to maintain peace, security, and cooperation on a global scale.
- International Law
not a binding legal documents, but rather the standards of behaviors, such as some human rights, labor rights, framework conventions on climate change and blodiversity.
- International Norms or Soft Law.
> Informational
> Forum
> Normative
> Rule-creating
> Rule-Supervisory
> Operational
- International Organizations (IGOs)
providing services such as disaster relief, humanitarian aid.
- NGOs
encompassing rules, norms and principle as well as the practices of actors that show both how their expectations converge and their acceptance and compliance with rules.
- International Regimes
adopted in 1997 and effective from 2005, is an international treaty that committed industrialized countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change.
Kyoto Protocol
> The Summit for children in 1990 in New York
> Rio Earth Summit in 1992
> Fourth World Conference on women in 1995
> Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change (COP15)
Cancun Conference on climate change (COP16)
> COP17
- Global Conference
- Ad hoc Arrangements
- Canada
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Japan
- United Kingdom
- United States
The Group of Seven (67) comprises seven major advanced economies:
is a growing, but little studles phenomenon.
- Private Governance
-Global Policy Networks
Actors in Global Governance
Why we need global governance? (3)
- Globalization
- The End of the Cold War
- Emerging Transnational Civil Society