Global Governanace Flashcards
What is global governance
Rules and organisations used to manage issues that affect the whole world
In this economically integrated world what (2)
Some argue gov are losing their influence
Corporations have more power to control resources, capital and labour
What issues had GG focused on (5)
Reducing environmental problems
Trade + investment inequalities
Civil conflict
Reduce poverty
Human rights violations
What are international laws (3)
Est. by countries through international agreements
Legally binding
Cover things such as human rights, labour standards and trade agreements
What are norms (3)
Accepted standards of behaviour
Negative consequences for those who donβt follow them
Example = freedom of speech
What are institutions (3)
Political and legal organisations
They exist to pass and enforce laws
At the global scale = United Nations + WTO
Purpose of UN (2+)
Mainly advisory role:
Purpose is to foster co- operation between state governments rather than exerting authority over them
WTO purpose
Take responsibility for managing specific aspects of an increasingly inter related world
Different roles of NGOs (4+)
Protection = assist poor and provide relief
Prevention = reduce vulnerability = savings
Promotion = opportunities
Transformation = reduces inequalities
What is the un environment programmes aims (3)
Eradicate poverty
Reduce inequality
Operate over 170 countries
What millennium development goals (3)
8 anti poverty targets
Set in sept 2000 and world committee achieved by 2015
Main work of UNEP
Sustainable development goals aims (4)
Disaster Rick reduction
Climate change
Global sustainability development
WTO focus
Trade and investment inequalities
What does WTO do (2)
Combat exploitative practises
Remove protectionism = trade liberation
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change what
The body responsible for overseeing negotiations on reducing greenhouse gas emissions between nations
Main aim of 2015 Paris agreement (2)
Golf global temperature rises to a maximum of 1.5Β°C
Advert effects of climate change
NGO emerged as global forces to what (3)
Protect human rights
Provide essential services to those most in need
Democratise decision making
Operational NGOs (3)
Those providing front-line support services to the needy
Tend to raise money for each project they undertake
Advocacy NGOs (2)
Those who focus on campaigns to raise awareness to gain support for a cause
Derive money from donations or membership subscriptions
What NGOs and poor
Only coordinated organisations to provide a voice for the poor of the world
How do GG promote growth and stability (2+)
Stability = countries know how others are likely to react in a sitiaution making conflict less likely due to laws + norms
Exmaple = trade rules means countries canβt take adv of each other so all can develop
WTO help stability + growth (2)
Increase trade = economic growth
Trade = more predictable = stable
How does WB help growth and stability
Provides loans to LDCs = increase growth
World health org promote growth and stability (3)
Combats epidemics
2020 coronavirus
2014 Ebola outbreak
Problems with GG (2)
Countries sign up to international laws and institutions voluntarily β if countries donβt sign up to treaties they are not bound by the laws of it
It can be difficult to make countries and TNCs comply with rules
Examples of problems with GG (2+)
2016 China ignored a court ruling that its claims over the South China Sea
went against international law
Other countries havenβt brought economic sanctions against China because = so important in the global economy
Global institutes make injustice and inequality how = IMF and WB (3+)
There are conditions to loans
Must have free trade policies and cut government spending = on education and health
Some argue = poverty and inequality in LICs worse
What is the UN (3+)
Global institution
Set up in 1945 to establish peaceful and fair trade
Members had to sign a UN charter = basic principles of GG
What is in the UN charter (3)
Maintain global peace and security
Develope friendly relations between nations
Use coop to solve international problems
Exmaple of UN MDG creating growth (3)
Extreme poverty has been halved in 15 years
Increased number in primary school = 43 million more children go to school
Over 2 billion more people get access to clean drinking water
Example of peace being created (2)
UN Peacekeeping missions
Exmaple = peaceful elections held in Cote d`Ivoire in 2015 after years of civil war
Example of injustices on UN (2)
UN has been ineffective
Exmaple = 1995 UN peacekeepers failed to protect 8 000 people in Srebrenica when massacred by Bosnian Serbs
Example of inequalities UN (2+)
Many issues tackled affect African countries the most
Exmaple = refugee crisis but no African country has a permanent seat at the UN Security Council which makes the final decision
Institutions working at range of scales (3+)
International = Paris agreement 2015
National = lobby for national govs to create laws = green peace campaign for more environmental protection
Local = help communities gain access to clean water
Different scales of institions names (5)
Global = UN
International = EU
National = uk parliament
Regional = Scottish parliament
Local = council
Branches of UN (4)
UN framework convention of CC
UN environmental programme
UN charter
Millennial development goals
Branches of NGOs (2)
Operational NGOs
Advocacy NGOs