Global English (Change) Flashcards
What is a Pidgin?
A grammatically simplified form of a language, typically English, Dutch or Portuguese, some elements of which are taken from local languages, used for communication between people not sharing a common language.
What is a Creole?
A mother tongue formed from the contact of a European language (especially English and French) with local languages (especially African languages spoken by slaves in the West Indies).
What is an Acrolect?
The variety of speech that is closest to a standard prestige language, especially in an area where a creole is spoken.
What is a Basilect?
The variety of speech that is most remote to a standard prestige language, especially in an area where a creole is spoken.
What is a Diaspora?
The dispersal of language around the world.
What is Globalisation?
The process by which businesses, or other organisations, develop international influence or operate on an international scale.
What is a Lingua-Franca?
A language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native language are different.
What is a Heritage Language?
A language that is not the dominant language in the society in which someone lives, yet it is one that is spoken at home.
What is Code Switching?
When speakers who speak two or more different languages switch from one to the other, often in mid conversation. Can also be used to refer to switching between dialects of the same accent.
What is Covert Prestige?
The less obvious or hidden prestige associated with the use of certain non-standard varieties of a language within particular social groups.
What is Overt Prestige?
The obvious prestige associated with the use of the standard variety of a language within a particular society. Connected to notions of speaking ‘properly’.
What is a multiethnolect?
A collection of linguistic resources combining features from a variety of languages within a multi-ethnic, multicultural context.
What are Kachru’s three circles? (1992)
- The Inner Circle: where English is used as a first language, acquired from birth by most
- The Outer Circle: includes countries colonised by Britain and the USA where English is spoken as a second language and plays an important historical and governmental role
- The Expanding Circle: where English is not an official language, but is recognised as important as a foreign language, perhaps for trade
How does Canagarajah criticise Kachru’s circles?
Questioned the validity of Kachru’s circles as migration and modern technology have led to the ‘leaking’ of clearly defined circles.
What did Kandiah (1998) state was the reason for the spread of English?
The reason for the spread of the English Language was colonisation.
Why does Crystal believe English has become the world’s leading language?
- English was distributed around the world as the language of the British Empire.
- It was the language of the industrial revolution, technological innovation and western science.
- It is the language of the USA, the world’s remaining super-power.
What is Schneider’s dynamic model of postcolonial English?
- Foundation- English is newly distributed to a geographical area.
- Exonormative stabilisation- English begins to be used, modelled closely on the British standard forms.
- Nativisation- Old and new languages become more closely linked. Neologisms occur.
- Endonormative- The local variety of English is accepted as the norm.
- Differentiation- New variety reflects local identity and culture.
What does Janet Holmes state about code switching?
Don’t need to be perfect speakers of the second language.
Can use individual words or phrases to reaffirm or signal their ethnic identity to others, thus creating a sense of solidarity.
Code switching can be used as a way of performing identity; one person with two languages may have two identities.
What did Sharma investigate in 2011?
Investigated Punjabi speaking Indians in West London; exploring their performance of both languages.
What are the features of Valley Talk?
The sound of Valleyspeak has these main habits: nasal sound; fast-paced run-on sentences; breathiness; uptalk, or the sound of a question; and vocal fry. High rising terminal (also called “up speak” or “uptalk”) is a defining feature of Valleyspeak.
What is Singlish?
Singlish first emerged when Singapore gained independence 50 years ago, and decided that English should be the common language for all its different races.
Among ordinary Singaporeans, Singlish tends to be spoken in informal situations - with friends and family, taking a taxi or buying groceries. It indicates casual intimacy. English, on the other hand, is used for formal situations - at school, or at work, especially when meeting strangers or clients.
Over time, it has become a social marker - someone who can effectively switch between the two languages is perceived to be more educated and of a higher social status than someone who can only speak Singlish.
What was the Speak Good Campaign?
A Campaign created by the Singaporean government to encourage the spoken use of English as a prestigious variety.
Who was Noah Webster?
A linguistic and American Lexicographer who recorded the first forms of American English creating America’s first Dictionary