Global Culture Flashcards
Cultural pluralism
State in which more than 1 culture coexists + each culture retains its defining characteristics
Cultural hybridise
State in which more than 1 culture has mixed together 2 form an entirely new culture
Globalisation cause homogeneity
Some ppl believe G = homogeneity in cultures
A homogeneous culture is one where everyone follows a distinct lack = cultural diversity
Cultural pluralism + hybridise describe cultural states
Westernised global culture
Globalisation is thought 2 have created more westernised global culture based on western norms + values
Because western countries can be seen 2 be the drivers = globalisation + have spread their own version of culture more widely
Cultural diffusion
Refers 2 the way western culture spread around the world
E.g. economies of countries being child = capitalism + string belief in the power of democracy
Globalisation accelerated rate of cultural diffusion where a person lives may no longer be the main source = cultural identity
Different ppl adopt different cultures at different times
Cultures can change through
Free will
Use of hard power (military) 2 impose a change of culture on ppl
Use of soft power (education + political persuasion) 2 pressure ppl into adopting new cultures
Free will
Ppl choose cultures that they find attractive + suit them
Players in cultural diffusion
Media Corporations
- largest TNC (wealth + global spread) tend 2 come from USA + Western Europe. Means may of these companies sometimes unintentionally spread western values through = distribution of = goods + services + working practices
- generally products = uniformly manufactured regardless of the market - some TNCs will modify their goods to suit local tastes + needs
Media corporations
- global media corporations produce visual, audio + online content that’s quickly + easily spread around the world
- easy for an audience 2 believe there’s a dominant culture. These cases change their cultural outlook 2 match what they experience through media
- small number of corporations produce the majority of mainstream media content - could lead to promotion of a more homogeneous culture
Tourism + hospitality = large part = economy of many nations. Resorts compete 2 attract tourists + use culture = selling point
Tourist destinations = cultural middle ground - embrace western cultural traits = seem familiar = western tourists
E.g. western food may be used in restaurants + built environment may be designed 2 mimic facilities found = other destinations.
- move within + between countries - take their cultural traits w/ them
Many migrants adapt 2 + adopt local cultures once they settle = new location
May be helped by marrying into new culture
Other migrants = hybrid of cultures that embraces both their home + host cultures
Migration allows ppl w/ differing viewpoints 2 come into contact w/ one another + diverse communities can become places = extensive cultural influence
Global culture can have a - impact
1) movement towards = global culture based = western values represents = move towards greater levels of consumption
2) have - impact = environment through unsustainable resource use + ecosystem degradation
3) global western culture = likely 2 promote the continuation = global TNCs.
May increase air + water pollution if production methods = poorly polluted + it increases the need 4 air transportation of goods around the world
2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro
- Paralympic Games = e.g. of how global culture can help bring equality 2 marginalised ppl + particularly those from developed + emerging economies. Since 1980s participants + followers = para spots + athletes
Globalisation had led 2 cultural erosion
1) some cultures may be vulnerable 2 cultural erosion due 2 emergence = more westernised global culture
2) different countries = diff levels of vulnerability 2 cultural erosion. Some sites, languages, traditions = actively protected
E.g. UNESCO World Heritage Sites = designated sites that are placed under international protection due 2 cultural significance
See globalisation = somewhat inevitable + unstoppable process
- recognise globalisation has good + bad impacts + accept they will happen = homogeneous global culture
Transformationalists see globalisation as the creator of changing cultural ideas
Globalised world want will be highly interconnected but with new cultural forms as they change + adapt 2 new world circumstances
Global sceptics
GS believe there will be no such thing = 1 truly global culture
See the process of globalisation = having an unequal influence
E.g. = environmental protection movements that have anti-globalisation + capitalist language in their campaigns
Extinction rebellion advocates immediate action on climate change + also support more equitable governance