Glaciation Flashcards
Material that is transported by the glacier and later deposited by the glacier
Boulder clay plain
A lowland are that is covered with a layer of boulders, clay, sand and stones
Large boulders that were transported from their original location by a glacier and then deposited to an are where the rock type is different
Lateral moraine
When material is deposited along the sides of the valley
Medial morane
When material is deposited in the middle of the Valley
Terminal moraine
When material is deposited at the end of the glacier
Benefits of glaciation
Agriculture, tourism, hydroelectricty, roads, industry
Boulder clay makes very fertile soil
Example: the golden Vale area in munster
Beautiful landscapes created by glaciation attract tourists
Can be used for activities such as boating and fishing
Example: Glendalough in Co.Wicklow
A ping, narrow ridge of sand and gravel that winds its way along a lowland landscape
Esker example
Esker riada in co.galway
Outwash plains
A low flat area of land made of sand and gravel. Its found in front of a terminal moraine
Outwash example
The curragh in co.kildare
Glaciated u-shaped valleys provide natural route ways through uploaded areas, can be very scenic also
Example of roads
Gap of dunloe in co kerry
Negative influences of glaciation
Poor land in upland areas, poor drainage, flooding
Poor land in upland areas
Glaciers remove the soil cover in upland areas
Poor drainage
Glacial deposits such as drumlins can lead to poor drainage
Today’s glaciation in the artic are melting fastly, this causes sea levels to rise, if they continue to rise, lowland areas such as Ireland will be at risk of flooding
Oval shaped hills that are made of deposited boulder clay
Example: clew bay co.mayo
Causes of ice age
Earth’s movement
Greenhouse gas
Ocean current
Process of glaciation transportation
Landforms of glacial eroisin
Cirques. Fords
U-Shaped valley
Pyramidal peaks
Ribbon lakes
A punched shaped hole in a mountain where the glacier begins. Had 3 steep sides
Eg: the devil’s punchbow, killarny
U-shaped valley
Valley cut out by a glacier from a pre-existing v-shaped River Valley
Eg: glendalough Co. Wicklow
A steep narrow ridge of land that is left after 2 cirques cut back to back
Eg: the devil’s punchbowl
Pyramidal peaks
The peace of land left when 3 or more cirques cut back to back
Eg: carrantohill
Ribbon lake
Water filled holes on the valley floor that have been plucked out by the glacier
Eg: gelndalough Co. Wicklow
A drowned u-shaped valley
Eg: killary Harbour co.mayo