Glacial Modification of Terrain Flashcards


Glacier - ice that must be moving or flowing
Highland icefields and valley glaciers

Alpine glaciers - individually developed glaciers
Cirque glaciers - confined to basin

Glaciers in nonmountainous areas are continental ice sheets. Antarctica and Greenland
calving - process of ice breaking off into the sea
iceberg - floating ice
accumulation - adding of ice by snow
ablation - wasting of ice through melting and sublimation

plastic flow of ice - 50 m thickness - entire mass does not move uniformly
Basal slip - bottom of the glacier - entire mass slides over its bed on a film of water
fastest ice is at the surface

glacial plucking - melted ice because of the friction refreezes on outcrops, and the ice moves, taking the rock with it

Glacial abrasion - rock worn down by other rock debris dragging along it

moulins - drainage shafts

drift - material moved by glaciers

morraine - glacier-deposited landforms composing of till

terminal morraine - ridge of till that marks max advance of glacier
kettle - depression left by retreating glacier
drumlin - smaller, elongated, low hill - unsorted till - readvance of ice

outwash plains - smooth, flat alluvial aprons with deposits from the streams that go beyond the ice’s bounds

Eskers - long ridges of stratified drift

kames - steep mounds of drift

milankovitch cycle - earth-sun relations, axis, and orbit causes changes in global temps / ice ages

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