Giving Birth Flashcards
Maternal Response to Labor
* Coordinated, involuntary, intermittent contractions
* Cervical changes: effacement & dilation
* Increased BP & decreased pulse
* Decreased gastric motility
* Decreased bladder sensation
* Hematopoietic changes
Coordinated, involuntary, intermittent contractions
- Coordinated as begin @ uterine fundus & spread down towards cervix
> Lower 3rd of uterus stays relaxed to help in cervical dilation
- Involuntary as labor can’t be stopped by conscious effort
- Intermittent to allow relaxation of muscle & resumption of maternal blood flow to & from placenta & fetus
Is the thinning & shortening of the cervix
Non-laboring cervix begins @ about 2cm long; called 0% effaced
100% effaced ⇒ paper thin
Is opening of the cervix
From uterus pulling upward
Cervix must dilate to 10cm to allow for passage of average size term fetus
Increased BP & decreased pulse
140/90 is abnormal & concerning
With each contraction, blood flow to placenta decreases
Decreased gastric motility
Causes dry mouth & thirst
Decreased bladder sensation
If unmedicated, empty bladder every 2 hours
For an epidural (block), intermittent catheterization every 2 hours or an indwelling catheter
Hematopoietic changes
- EBL - estimated blood loss
- QBL - quantitative blood loss [exact]
- With vaginal blood loss, up to 500mL is normal
2 - 2-1/2 minutes apart (frequency)
60-90 seconds long (duration)
* Intensity can’t be measured on a fetal monitor without using a specialized invasive device
* Palpated at uterine fundus (in order to measure); mild, moderate or strong
Increment = as contraction begins
Decrement = decrease intensity as uterus relaxes
Interval (uterine relaxation) = uterine resting tone
Fetal Response to Labor
* Decreased placental exchange during contractions
* Cardiovascular system responds quickly to labor events
* Labor speeds the absorption of fetal lung fluid, & compression from vaginal delivery helps expel remaining fluid
- HTN & DM cause narrowing of arteries
- Affects fetal gas exchange
The Four “P’s” of Labor
- Uterine contractions (primary force)
- Maternal pushing
> Push fetal head against cervix to help efface & dilate it
> Don’t push in-between contractions
- Maternal pelvis (false pelvis, true pelvis)
- Soft tissues
is a condition in which the fetal head will not fit through the pelvis
___ will soften cartilage, connecting the bones
cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)
* Fetus
* Membranes
* Placenta
- Cephalic presentation
- Adapt to size & shape of pelvis
- Skull bones are not yet fused; connected by sutures
___ - spaces where sutures meet
> Anterior & posterior (gives an idea to infant’s position in utero)
1) Longitudinal lie
Could be a cephalic or breech presentation
Is what’s desired for a vaginal birth
2) Transverse lie
Rare; contraindicates a vaginal birth
Shoulder-first presentation
3) Oblique sideways
Breech Presentations
* Frank
* Full
* Single footling
- Risk of umbilical cord compression when head is last thing born
- Determine landmark
Occiput - a presenting part
Mentum - fetal chin
Scapula (not favorable)
- Where to feel fixed reference point? To right, left, or directly on horizontal line
- Anterior, posterior, or transverse plane?
- Ease fear & anxiety into confidence & empowerment
- Provide education; be an advocate
- Respect cultural, religious, & individual preferences
- Creating a birth plan
Now remember, at this point we are looking at what normal labor and childbirth look like…
How does labor begin?
Process begins gradually over the last few weeks of pregnancy
___ decreases, while ___ increases
Prostaglandins are released from the fetal membranes (helps to soften cervix)
Natural secretion of ___ (from pituitary)
Fetal ___ and ___ are secreted
Cervical stretching also causes secretion of maternal ___
progesterone; estrogen
oxytocin, cortisol
___ Labor
Braxton-Hicks contractions
Bloody show
Is a discharge of the mucous plug that occurs as the cervix softens
Means that the cervix is softening, effacing, or dilating
___ - a spurt of energy during a tired period; slight weight loss
Bloody show
A dropping sensation as fetus descends toward pelvic inlet
Stomach looks lower; lung capacity increases
2-3 weeks
Are contractions that shouldn’t be painful
False labor; not doing anything to the cervix
Are irregular, mild; stop & decrease spontaneously
A warm shower will help settle these down
Braxton-Hicks contractions
True Labor vs False Labor
___ labor means no cervical change is occurring
* Assess the cervix
Stages and Phases of Labor
1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th