GIT Flashcards

Re. duodenum, topographic position?
Upper right half of the hypochondriac region - 9th intercostal space
Runs caudally (right side) – Descending duodenum- level of tuber coxae- makes a U- turn –runs obliquely-craniosinistrally (leftside)- continues as the ascending duodenum
Re. Cranial duodenum, topographical position?
Dorsally and laterally lies in contact with the liver and medially by the pancreas
T or F - The jejunum is the longest part of the small intestine
Re. jejunum. topography? structure? blood supply?
Confined to the ventral part of the abdomen
Fan shaped mesentry – mesentric surface & antimesentric
Blood supply –branches of the cranial mesenteric artery

Is the caecum small in dogs or horses?
small in dogs
well developed in horses
3 regions of the colon?
- ascending
- transverse
- descending
Re. 3 regions of colon. topography?
ascending colon - right side
transverse - colon cranial to the root of mesentery (right side)
descending colon - left side
Re. rectum. topography?
Begins at the pelvic inlet continuous with descending colon
Attached dorsally to the ventral surface of sacrum by the thin mesorectum

Re. liver. size? location?
largest gland in the body! 3-5% of total body weight
location: cranial part of abdomen (behind diaphragm)
Liver lobes. how many? what are they?
Left hepatic lobe- Left lateral & Left medial
Right hepatic lobe- Right lateral & right medial
Quadrate lobe
Caudate lobe- papillary process & caudate process
thus 7 lobes in total
Name the 3 impressions in the liver
gastric impression
renal impression
duodenal impression