GIS Analytical Methods Flashcards
Overlay Analysis
Define problem - break problem into submodels - Determine significant layers ( some of these layers may need to be created) - reclassify or transform data within a layer
Spatial Overlay
process of superimposing layers of geographic data that cover the same are to study the relationship between them
two or more maps or layers are superimposed for showing relationships between features
Identify ( Vector Overlay)
Input features, split by overlay features
Intersect (vector Overlay)
Only features common to all input layers
Symmetrical Difference ( Vector Overlay)
Features common to either input layer or overlay, layer but not both
Union (Vector Overlay)
All input features
Update ( Vector Overlay)
Input feature geometry replaced by update layer
Zonal Statistics (Raster Overlay)
summarizes values in a raster layer by zones (categories) in another layer- for example, calculate the mean elevation for each category
Combine (Raster Overlay)
assigns a value to each cell in the output layer based on unique combinations of values from several input layers
Single Output Map Algebra (Raster Overlay)
lets you combine multiple raster layers using an expression you enter-for example you can add several ranked layers to create an overall ranking
Weighted Overlay (Raster Overlay)
automates the raster overlay process and lets you assign weights to each layer before adding (you can also specify equal influence to create an unweighted display)
Weighted Sum (Raster Overlay)
overlays several raster’s multiplying each by their given weight and summing them together
flat, 2 dimensional surface
single coordinate pair
ordered lists of coordinate pairs
ordered lists of coordinate pairs that reconnect
Descriptive Statistics
discipline of quantitatively describing the main features of a collection of information - summarizes a sample to learn about the population
Summary Statistics
used to summarize a set of observations
Coefficient of Determination
R squared - number that indicates how well data fit a statistical model - fit to a line or curve - a 1 indicates the line fits perfectly with the data - 0 indicates the line does not fit at all ( data is random)
Object oriented programming (OOP)
programming paradigm based on concept of “objects” which are data structures that contain data in the form of fields (aka attributes) and code in the form of procedures (aka methods) - most common are class based
system design principle where the implementation takes future growth into consideration - level of effort to extend the system and implement the extension
a coordinate based data model that represents features such as points, lines, polygons
defines space as an array of equally sized cells arranged in rows and columns, single or multiple bands - each cell contains an attribute value
Vector Advantages
represent point, line, area very accurately; more efficient than raster in storage; supports topology; interactive retrieval; enables map generalization
Vector Disadvantages
less intuitively understood; multiple vectors overlay is computationally intensive; display and plotting vectors can be expensive
Raster Advantages
easy to understand; good to represent surfaces; easy to input and output; easy to draw on a screen; analytical operations are easier
Raster Disadvantages
inefficient for storage; compression techniques not efficient with variable data; large cells causes information loss; poor at representing points, lines, areas; each cell can be owned by only one feature; must include redundant or missing data
Verbal Scale
expresses in words a relationship between a map distance and ground distance: one inch represents 16 miles
Visual Scale
graphic scale or bar scale
Representative scale
representative fraction or ratio scale 1:24,000 - 1” = 24,000”
Absolute Scale
system of measurement that begins at a minimum or zero point and progresses in only one direction
Relative Scale (arbitrary)
begins at some point selected by a person and can progress in both directions
Display vs Data
The data is built at a certain scale/accuracy but once the data is displayed in any other format that the one it was made for, the scale gets warped. Ex. a map made as 9x10 that is then scaled down and printed in a newspaper
1 mile =
5280ft/ 1.6093 km
1 ft =
1 international nautical mile =
2025.4 yd / 6076.12 ft
360 degrees is a whole circle. 2pi x radius is the circle
angle less than 90 degrees within a quadrant defined by the cardinal directions
90 degrees
right angle; 194.60 minutes of arc in one degree; 195.60 seconds of arc in a minute
angle between 0 degrees and 360 degrees measured clockwise from north