GIPS Flashcards
The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)
- Are a globally recognized set of standards for calculating and presenting investment performance.
- They are ethical in nature, based on fair representation and full disclosure, and are entirely voluntary.
The GIPS 3 Chapters
- GIPS Standards for Firms
- GIPS Standards for Asset Owners: an endowment
- GIPS Standards for Verifiers
Claim Compliance
- Investment firms must follow all GIPS requirements as to how returns are calculated and presented in their performance presentation (GIPS Report).
- The standards also include recommendations in line with industry best practice which are optional.
- Compliance can only be claimed on a firm-wide basis. It cannot be claimed for a specific composite or portfolio alone.
Is a group of portfolios with a similar investment mandate, objective, or strategy.
Prospective Client
A person or entity with an interest in a segregated account, and a person or entity with an interest in a pooled fund as a prospective investor.
- Composites are collections of 1 or more portfolios with a similar strategy, objective, or investment mandate
- All actual fee-paying discretionary segregated accounts must be included in at least one composite.
- Actual fee-paying discretionary pooled funds must be included if they meet the composite definition.
- Non-fee-paying portfolios may be included if disclosed, whereas non-discretionary portfolio should not
- A firm is not required to create composites for all pooled funds.
- Cannot include portfolios with different strategies, objectives, or mandates in the same composite.
5 Objectives of the GIPS standards
- Promote investor interests and instill investor confidence.
- Ensure accurate and consistent data.
- Obtain worldwide acceptance of a single standard for calculating and presenting performance.
- Promote fair, global competition among investment firms.
- Promote industry self-regulation on a global basis.
Local Laws and Regulations Conflicts
Firms that present performance that complies with local laws and regulations but conflicts with the GIPS standards must disclose the discrepancy in the GIPS Report.
The GIPS Standards for Firms
- Fundamentals of Compliance
- Input Data and Calculation Methodology
- Composite and Pooled Fund Maintenance
- Composite Time-Weighted Return Report
- Composite Money-Weighted Return Report
- Pooled Fund Time-Weighted Return Report
- Pooled Fund Money-Weighted Return Report
- GIPS Advertising Guidelines
Definition of the Firm
- Investment firm, its subsidiary, or a division held as a distinct business entity may claim compliance.
- A distinct business entity must retain discretion over managed investments, maintain organizational separation (different legal entity), and functional segregation
Total Firm Assets
- Include the aggregate all assets under the firm’s investment responsibility, regardless of discretionary or fee paying.
- Should include those managed by a sub-advisor selected by the firm,
- Do not include advisory-only assets (provides recommendations to, no trading authority), or uncalled committed capital.
Alter Historical Composite Results
Apart from correcting errors, firms may not alter historical composite results.
- All actual, fee-paying, discretionary segregated accounts must be included in at least one composite.
- Discretionary Fee-paying pooled funds must also be included in at least one composite
- If the investment manager is free to implement the intended investment strategy
- Firms are required to document and consistently apply their definitions.
Potentially Render an Account Non-Discretionary
Restrictions that Potentially Render:
* Restrictions on selling the stock of the client’s employer
* Restrictions on the use of derivatives in a portfolio where a critical component
* Retention of low-basis stock to avoid capital gains
* ESG-related prohibition on investing in certain sectors
* Legal restrictions may prohibit certain types of transactions in particular types of portfolios
* Imposed by a client’s contributions and withdrawals.
Simulated Theoretical Performance
- Firms may not link simulated or model portfolios to actual results reported for a composite; only actual performance.
- May be shown as supplemental information but not be linked to composite results.
- Firms may include their own actual proprietary account results in composites subject to the reporting requirements related to non-fee-paying accounts.