GIM - Intro Flashcards
Gout, disseminated coccidioidomycosis
Heart sounds: plop
Atrial myxoma
Caucasian, Northern Europe:
PMR, temporal arteritis, pernicious anemia
SE Asian
TB, rheumatic HD
Gastric ca, moya-moya (arteries of circle of Willis blocked by constriction and blood clots, resulting in TIAs, recurrent strokes and haemorrhages)
Berry aneurysm
Saccular aneurysm, occurs at the point where the cerebral artery departs from the circular artery (at the circle of Willis) at the base of the brain. Prone to rupture and bleed
PPD test
Mantoux, purified protein derivative
Least effect on dopaminergic system amongst antipsychotics
Opioids and CCBs can give a patient this urination abnormality
Urinary retention
Overflow incontinence: PVR >
> 100 cc
Bladder detrusor innervation (to squeeze)
Parasympathetic (=cholinergic) - at level S1S2
Bladder internal sphincter innervation to hold
2 mechanisms of urge incontinence:
- Loss of CNS inhibition of detrusor parasympathetic squeeze
- Over active detrusor
If detrusor is underactive, this urination abnormality occurs
Retention and overflow incontinence
Causes of detrusor underactivity
- Weakening is detrusor from chr obstruction - blockage below
- Meds (TCAs, opioids, antocholinergics - Benadryl)
- Peripheral neuropathy - DMT2, PD, mechanical damage to the detrusor nerves (spinal stenosis, disc herniation, tumor etc)
Leser-Trelat sign
Sudden onset of seborrheic keratosis (paraneoplastic - NHL, GI malignancies)
Vibrio infection
Eating raw shellfish eg. in Lousiana
Ecthyma gangrenosum - vesicles, pustules, evolving to necrotic ulcers - painful
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Ascending sporothrichoid infection - ascending nodular lymphangitis
- Sporotrichosis - gardening
- Mycobacterium marinum - fish tank, water
- Nocardia - soil
- Leishmaniasis - Texas
Chickenpox in adults
Cellulitis, sepsis Pneumonia !! Encephalitis Predisposes to TSS Reye sy (in pts on Aspirin; hypoglycaemia + brain edema + hepatic failure)
Transmission rates: HBV, HCV, HIV?
Indications for steroids in pts w mononucleosis:
- Impeding airway obstruction
- Liver failure
- Aplastic anemia
Contact sports makes you prone to obtain this bug
Malignant external otitis (w cranial nerve involvement) in diabetic pts - aBx coverage?
Broad w double pseudomonas coverage - high mortality (15%!!) Hospital admission
Negative predictive value of normal CTPE
Case control study design
Subjects are enrolled on the basis of disease status (ill or not) and then look for exposure/factors. Single disease study
Observational cohort study
Subjects are enrolled on the basis of exposure within a well defined population. This can be prospective or retrospective. For single exposure studies
Asthma presentation w intermittent pulmonary infiltrates & Tx
Allergic bronchi pulmonary aspergillosis - Tx: prednisone
Lambert-Eaton myasthenia sy ass w this malignancy
Wernicke’s encephalopathy -Tx
Thiamine, then glucose
INO clinical presentation
Weak adduction of affected eye, nystagmus w abduction of contra lateral eye
INO pathology and causes
- Brainstem abnormality 2ry to lesion in medial longitudinal fasciculus in the pons or midbrain
- Causes: MS, brainstem infarct, syphilis, cancer, hepatic encephalopathy, head trauma, Wernicke’s encephalopathy
3rd nerve palsy
Ipsilateral ptosis & normal or large/blown pupil (pupil reaction may be delayed + extraocular muscle impairment: looking down and outwards; cannot look inwards and up)
Myasthenia gravis - eye presentation
Ptosis (fatiguability), no pupil change
Syphilis eye finding
Argyl-Robertson pupil: accommodates but does not react to light
No ptosis
Horner’s syndrome - oculists pathetic palsy
Ptosis, myosis (small pupil on the same side), anhydrosis
Enophtalmos - loss of innervation to the orbicularis muscle
All ipsilateral
Charcot Marie Tooth - hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
AD - autosomal dominant
Color blindness
X-linked recessive
Autosomal dominant
Haemophilia A
X-linked recessive
Cystic fibrosis
Autosomal recessive
Cystic fibrosis incidence and carrier status
Incidence 1/2000
Carriers 1/20
Cystic fibrosis & sterility
Women not sterile, but decreased fertility 2ry to thick cervical mucus
Men sterile 2ry to absence of vas deferents
Klinefelter sy
47 XXY or mosaics
Klinefelter sy & cancer risk
Gynecomastia w increased risk of breast ca
? Increased risk of testicular ca
Autosomal dominant conditions
Polycystic KD,
Familial hyperchol, Familial hyperTG,
Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal ca (HNPCC), Peutz-Jeghers sy,
Charcot-Marie-Tooth (hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy), Huntington’s,
NF-1, tuberous sclerosis,
AIP, BRCA 1&2 mutations
X-linked recessive
Color blindness Haemophilia A&B G6PD Duchenne's muscular dystrophy Fabry's disease - alpha galactozidase A deficiency
Autosomal recessive
CF, hemochromatosis, Alpha-1 antiripsin deficiency Sickle cell anaemia Thalassemia Tay-Sachs disease - hexoseaminidase deficiency Albinism
When to evaluate AAA emergently for Sx?
If acute pain
Dermatitis herpetiformis -clinical picture
Herpetiform rash, young adults or teens,associated w gluten sensitive enteropathy
Dermatitis herpetiformis - skin Bx
Dermatitis herpetiformis Tx
Dapsone and gluten-free diet
Acrodermatitis enteropathica - causes
Zinc deficiency 2ry to inborn error or nutritional
Common side effect of Dapsone
Haemolytic anemia (20-30%)
Falsely high HbaA1c
Fe/B12/folate deficient anemia
Some Hb-variants (sickle cell and S-Beta thalassemia)9
Mess having mortality benefits in CHF
BB, ACEI, spironolactone, hydralazine
+ nitrate
Constrictive pericarditis causes
Radiation Cardiac Sx SLE-RA TB Malignancy Histoplasmosis Viral/Idiopathic pericarditis
Falsely low HbA1c
Haemolytic anemia
Renal failure (RBC lifespan is significantly reduced with. The subsequent increased rate of hbturnover leads to decr exposure time to ambient glucose that in turn lowers the extent of non-enzymatic binding of glucose to haemoglobin)
Phlebotomy/haemorrhage (transfusion)
Meralgia paraesthetica
- thigh lateral paresthesia
- Entrapment of lateral femoral cutaneous nerves (no objective motor or sensory findings)
- Causes: obesity, tight clothes, RF: DMT2
Small cell lung ca can cause hypoNa, hypoglycaemia, Cushing sy but not:
Malignant hypercalcaemia
- Breast ca (prostaglandins>bone lysis)
- Squamous cell ca, renal ca (PTHrp)
- lymphoma: 1,25 -OH-VitD
- myeloma: cytokines
Paraneoplastic manifestations of renal cell ca
- Sudden onset varicocele (2%) - retro peritoneal pathology causing spermatic vein compression: non-reducible
- fever (20%) (hepatoma can too)
- erythrocytosis (3%, most commonly anemia)
- non-metastatic liver dysfunction (15%)
When not to use HCTZ?
- gout
- increased creat
- pt on Lithium
Meds increasing Lithium levels
Finasteride - 5alpha-reductase inhibitor effects
Effects in 6-12 months to reduce symptomatic progression of BPH (bleeding from bladder varices and obstruction)
PSA is not a recommended screening test in this age group
> 70
Probenecid effect
Increases uric acid excretion, only works if renal function is good
Livedo reticularis - doesn’t come and go; associated with
Increased thrombosis and stroke risk, thus, may warrant A/C in pts with positive anti-phospholipid ABs
Livedo reticularis can be seen in:
SLE, primary anti-phospholipid sy, atheromatous emboli sy, PAN
Skin lesions in reactive arthritis
Keratodermia blenorrhagicum
Circinate balanitis - hyperkeratotic lesions on penis
Nail changes resembling psoriasis
Seroderma renal crisis Tx
Young women with
- sleep disturbance
- soft tissue aches/tender points
- ache worse in the am
Constrictive pericarditis clinical picture
Elevated JVP, as cites, pericardial knock, Kussmaul sign (paradoxical rise of JVP in inspiration), hepatosplenomegaly