GIM Flashcards
Absolute risk reduction (ARR) =
EER - CER (experimental group event rate - control)
Absolute risk (AR) = event rate =
Pts w event in group/total # of pts in group
Number needed to treat (NNT) =
Relative risk reduction (RRR) =
Chronic cough -r/o
Smoking, ACEI, do a CXR
Chr cough - not smoker, not on ACEI, CXR-N
- Upper airway cough sy (previous post-nasal drip)
- Asthma
Chr cough - not smoker, not on ACEI, CXR-N
In order:
- Antihistamine (1st gen) +decongestant
- Nasal steroid
- Tx for asthma (in young)
- Tx for GERD (in old)
Signs of upper airway cough sy (post-nasal drip)
- Throat clearing
- Cobble stoning at the back of the throat
- Tongue coated at 1/3 of the back
SAH - preferred investigation
- first 48 hrs: Plain head CT
- after: MRI
Clinical presentation of SAH
Sudden onset unprovoked Headache w neck stiffness & n/v
Prodromal signs and syx in SAH
Syx: headache, dizziness, orbital pain, diplopia, visual loss
Signs: sensory or motor disturbance, seizure, ptosis, bruit, dysphagia
Prodromal signs/syx in SAH are 2ry to:
- Sentinel leaks - warning bleeds 30-50%! - sudden onset of h/a w neck pain, age>40
- Mass effect of aneurysm expansion
- Emboli
Headache most typical DDx in young vs old
Young: some form of migraine
Old: SAH, GCA, met to the brain, SDH if on Warfarin until proven otherwise
Migraine clinical presentation
Family Hx 96% Pulsating, worse w activity Causes gastroparesis: n/v Mild to severe, can be disabling Hx of motion sickness \+/- photo- and phonofobia
Migraine adjunctive Tx
Metoclopride taken it causes gastroparesis (all therapies are more effective)
Migraine trigeminal variant
Recurrent sinus h/a, involving the trigeminal nerve distribution, BILATERALLY!
Idiopathic acute neuro sensory hearing loss (N structural exam)
Prednisone po x10d Otological referral ?Mg No benefits from acyclovir If no response, intra-tympanic steroids
PVD useful physical signs
Absent pulses -spec 90%, LR+9-44
Femoral bruit -spec 95%, LR+5
Less helpful: cool skin, cap refill time
Triggers of RLS
?VitD deficiency
Metoclopramide, antihistamines, neuroleptics
Multiple sensory deficits
Vague unsteadiness only w walking
Tactile input helps balancing
Dizziness DDx
- Vertigo
- Syncope/pre-syncope
- Disequilibrium
- Ill-defined lightheadedness (panic d/o, anxiety w hyperventilation
Acute viral labyrinthitis
- clinical presentation &
- Tx
Vertigo, movement makes it worse, but than lasts for minutes (vs BPPV)
Tx: methylprednisone 100mg x3d, then taper over 22d (NEJM)
Vertigo w brainstem infarct
Vertical nystagmus - central cause!
Older pt w atherosclerosis
+ other brainstem or cerebellar symptoms (dysarthria, dysmetria, diplopia, motor sy)
Vertigo DDx
vestib neuronitis
Ménière’s disease (tinnitus, hearing loss, ear fullness, vertigo)
Central cause (15%)
Skin manifestations of sarcoid
Hutchinson plaque: granulomatous skin plaques on neck/thorax
Lupus pernio: purplish plaque resembling frostbite on ears/cheeks/nose
Erythema nodosum (Lofgren)
Macular or papular sarcoidosis (most common in black ppl)
Annular sarcoid, scar&tattoo infiltration
Sarcoid clinical presentation
Lymphopenia, hyperCa, low gr fever, wt loss
Highest spec of this finding in sarcoid
Bilateral hylar lymphadenopathy
Sarcoid most common in this population
Northern Europe (Sweden) US: black population
Lofgren sy
Fever, bilat hilar lymphadenopathy, erythema nodosum, arthritis/arthralgia
Clinical significance of lupus pernio
Lung and bone involvement more common
Usually more severe clinical picture
Treatment indications for sarcoid
Symptomatic; if hyperCa, skin d, iritis/uveitis, arthritis, pulmonary sy, cardiac/CNS involvement (steroids, MTX, cyclosporine)
Obstructive PFTs
decreased FEV1, N or incr FVC, incr TLC
DLCO: asthma - N, COPD - decr
Restrictive PFTs
Postprandial abdo pain DDx
GERD, SBO, mensenteric ischaemia, chilecystitis, pancreatitis, IBS
Chr mesenteric ischaemia clinical presentation
Post-prandial abdo pain, wt loss, decr appetite, diarrhea - FOB positive, malabsorption, evidence of PVD/CAD
Mesenteric ischemia - small bowel vs colitis
SB: wt loss, abdo pain, diarrhea
Colitis: bloody diarrhea, not painful, positive c-scope, thumbprinting in Ba-studies
Acute mesenteric ischemia
Severe abdo pain, out-of proportion, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, incr WBC, lactic acidosis
RFs: MI/CHF/arrhythmia (A.fib)
Thyroid hormones binding to
Fe, antacids, Ca, cholestyramine, sucralfate
Thyroid hormone absorption
Absorbs better at night, PPI and H2 blocker interferes w absorption
PPI interferes w
Ca, Fe, ketokonazole, itraconazole absorption
PPI is risk for
C. Diff and it’s recurrence
Osteoporosis is ass w following meds
Steroids, long-term heparin (LMWH too), thiazolisendions, SSRIs, PPIs, loop diuretics
Warfarin most severe interactions
TMP/Sulfa Erythromycin Amiodarone Propafenone Metronidazole Itraconazole/ketokonazole/fluconazole
Warfarin possible interactions
ABx ok w Warfarin
Tylenol and Warfarin
Regular Tylenol >2 g/d effects INR at 2-5 days
Prednisone and warfarin
Prednisone effects INR at D6
Simvastatin + gemfibrozil?
Avoid b/o rhabdo
Rather statin + fenofibrate
Clarithro + macrolide:
Clarithro: CYP3A4 inhibitor
CCB + simvastatin
Diltiazem and Verapamil raises simvastatin levels
Simvastatin and lovastatin
Similar metabolism
Increased risk for statin toxicity
Fibrates, azoles, amiodarone, erythro/clarithro, protease inhibitors, verapamil/diltiazem
Muscle toxicity of statins:
Fluvastatin, pravastatin, atorvastatin, simvastatin
The least muscle-toxic statin
The most muscle toxic statin
Myalgias & statins
Dose & drug dependent
Correct hypothyroidism!
More in: Asians & small body mass
Bx w statin myopathy
Positive even if CK normal, but they are in myalgia
Muscles are damaged in asymptomatic pts
Approach to myalgia if on statin
- check CK and TSH
- if severe, stop statin, restart at a lower dose, or
- change to another statin or use only on alternate days
- if sy persist, stop statin, use zee timing, colesevelam, red yeast rice (active ingredient: lovastatin)
TMP/Sulfa and MTX interaction
Septra displaces MTX from plasma protein binding and competes w it’s renal elimination => incr MTX levels (and toxicity)
Penicillins and MTX
Penicillins compete w MTX renal elimination
Grapefruit juice (naringin) metabolic activity
CYP3A4 inhibitor
Grapefruit juice drug interactions
CCB (nifedipine was the first described food-drug interaction)
Statins (simva, lova)
Saquinavir (anti-HIV proteinase inhibitor)
Warfarin Amiodarone Fibrates Clarithro Azoles
HyperK 2ry to these drugs
ACEI/ARB K-sparing diuretics TMP-Sulfa NSAIDS Salt substitute (Kcl!)
No Septra for pts on:
Elderly, renal insuff
Topiramate mechanism and side effect
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, causing NAGMA
Bisphosphonates and MSK pain
5-20% on weekly doses
SSRIs side effects
UGIB (more so if on NSAIDS, make sure pt on PPI)
Sexual dysfunction (20-40%, delayed ejaculation/orgasm)
Drugs provoking CHF
Pioglitazone, rosiglitazone