Gilded Age Flashcards
TU improvements in the Gilded Age (Wages, industry, membership, AFL, politics, compensation)
- Wages increase by 60%
- Demand increased due to expansion of industry
- Craft-unions grew eg creation of AFL in 1886 which tried to link all unions. Some business willing to work with it.
- Influence in national and local politics
- Sickness clubs which provided compensation
TU lack of progress in Gilded Age (inequality, unskilled wages, contracts, conditions, strike violence, divisions, capitalism and courts)
- Inequality and poverty eg 2% owned 30% of wealth
- Unskilled worker’s wages 30% of skilled
- Mechanization decreased demand
- ‘Contract system’ meant workers could be laid off
- Few rights and long hours
- Violence of Haymarket damaged labour power
- Divisions and arrival of immigrants
- Govt and courts favored employers and there was a general lack of intervention
AA progress in Gilded Age
- Literacy 1/2 AAs can read by 1895
- Grassroots activism eg Washington and economic advantages
- More AA religious groups
- More AA professionals
- Right to vote and sharecropping gave minimal independence
AA limited progress in Gilded Age
- Growth in segregated transport in 1881
- Plessy vs Ferguson 1896
- Segregation and ghettos eg 5000 AAs in Chicago
- Voting clauses restrict right to vote
- Last AA congressman retires in 1901
- Violence and lynchings in the South
- Disproportionate amount of AAs arrested
NAs progress under Gilded Age
- Conflict with Custer suggested to some Americans that there needed to be a change in policy
- Virginia and Pennsylvania set up off-reservation boarding schools providing domestic and vocational training as quality on reservations was poor
- Education allowed AAs to find better jobs such as working in Indian agency offices or interpreters
- Reservations gave the opportunity for farming communities
- Reservations gave better healthcare improving life expectancy etc
- Reservations allowed tribal life to continue
- Navajo tribe gained from reservation life eg gained over 5 million acres of land and successful at farming sheep and goats
NA rights didn’t improve under Gilded Age
- Reservations were a failure as they lost land and rights
- Hard life on reservations and poor land
- Government subsidies low and often cut when needed elsewhere
- 1890 Massacre at Wounded Knee destroyed the Sioux
- NAs are unable to adapt to allotment policy and so sell of their lands
- Erodes women’s rights as land given to heads of families
Women’s rights improved under Gilded Age
- 600, 00 involved in demonstrations in temperance and many of these also supported suffrage
- WCTU was white, middle class women which gave the movement a good reputation. Many who had been active church members got involved with this movement.
- Industrial growth and the war meant more women were in work eg in Atlanta women were 1/3 of workforce. Rise in textiles employed many women.
- Economic growth meant more white collar workers and by 1880s clerical work was open to women
- Women could join Trade Unions
- Urban growth allowed more education opportunities eg 35 Nursing school by 1890 and rise in co-educational schools
- YWCA, 1867 was set-up to care for the welfare of young urban women
Women’s rights didn’t improve in the Gilded Age
- Comstock Laws 1873 and rise in illegal abortions
- Less oppurtunities and lower pay
- Divisions eg WCTU and WOMPR and also being excluded from AA Civil Rights. Many women disliked them too.
- Association with Temperance diluted message of equal rights
- Influx of migrants in 1880s and 1890s led to Southern and Eastern European women working in domestic and sex work.
- It was still hard for married women to work and young single women ended up in low payed work
- Double standard meant men didn’t feel they needed to help with domestic chores