GI Parasites Simple Version Flashcards
What are pinworms?
Enterobius. Itchy asshole. You eat them
What are Hookworms?
Necatar Emericanus. From dirt and skin penetration. CAUSE IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA b/c blood suckers
When do you have itchy red rash on thighs and butts and auto infection?
Strongolyoides Stercalis; its a round worm
What is whipworm?
Trichuris. BARREL SHAPED eggs. Cause anemia from irond efficiency of bloody diarrhea dn clubbing fingers are signs of severity
What is the giant roundworm?
Ascaris Lumbricoides (HUGE AScaris). Can cause intestinal blockage and it affects 1 billion worldwide and. Charcot-Leyden crystals are product of EOSINOPHIL breakdown.
What is the pork/beef tapeworm?
Taenea. See brain cysts and seizures.
What is the fish tapeworm?
Diphyllobothrium. Anemia b/c competes for b12
What is the tapeworm associated with lamb and dogs?
What is Beaver Fever?
Giardia lamblia (protozoa [Giada DeLarentas has Beiber Fever]).. Most common US protozoa infection.
foul smelling diarrhea with greasy stools and flatulance b/c bad fat absorption
What is crypto?
Crptosporidium Parvum is when bad sanitation of pools or watermarks. D. with acid fast stain of stool
You know ameba.
Its when you see cells in another cell b/c it eats stuff. SEE ABSESSES IN RIGHT LIVER