GI Exam Flashcards
Hands and Arms
Tar staining
Nail Colour - anaemia or leukonychia
Palms (erythema, pale palmar crease, dupytrens contracture)
Look at arms:
- Bruising
- Scratch marks
- Muscle wasting
- Track marks
- Skin turgor
Tremor - flapping tremor (liver flap), fine tremor (alcohol and alcohol withdrawal and DT)
Pulse respiratory rate and blood pressure
Head exam
Parotid swelling
Eyes (jaundice / anaemia0
- angular stomatitis
- sore red tongue
- odour of foetor hepaticus - mouldy hay in liver failure
- gum swelling/bleeding
- dentition
- salivary glands and ducts
- floor of mouth
- apthous ulcers
- candidiasis/tonsillitis
Lymph nodes
Full, with particular attention to virchows node
Tonsillar drains oropharynx
Submandibular drains 2/3 of tongue and floor of mouth
Submental drains tip of tongue and anterior floor of mouth
Preauricular drains face including parotid
Necklace region
Spider naevi
Loss of body hair in males
Peripheral oedema
Loss of body hair
Erythema nodosa
Abdomen inspection
Movement with respiration
Skin lesions
Scratch marks
Abdominal Shape (scaphoid/obese)
Distended veins (caput medusae)
Abdominal Distension (fat, faeces, flatus, fluid or foetus)
Abdomen Palpation 9 areas
Start palpation away from site of pain
Ensure hands are as warm as possible
Watch patients face
Light palpation - superficial masses, tenderness, muscle tension, rigidity
Deep palpation - tenderness
Other things - pulsation of abdominal aorta, caecum in the right lower quadrant (squelch)
Descending and sigmoid colon on the left side (containing varying amounts of faeces)
Liver edge is palpable in 10% of the population
Abdomen palpation - liver
Upper border = 5th right intercostal space on full expiration
Lower border = MCL, costal margin, full inspiration
Abdomen palpation - spleen
Located on 9th-11th ribs
Remember to bi-manually palpate the spleen
Abdomen palpation - Kidneys
T12 - L3
Right kidney is 2-3cm lower than the left
Percussion of liver
Percuss down the chest wall in the mid-clavicular line
At 2nd intercostal space should be resonant
5th intercostal space should be dull - indiciating the upper edge of the liver
Percussion of spleen
What else do you percuss?
Free fluid - Shifting dullness and fluid thrill
Eliciting sign of shifting dullness indicates over 1.5 litres of fluid
What do you auscultate?
Bowel sounds
Arterial bruits
Where do you listen for bowel sounds
High pitched tinkling may indicate obstruction
Listen for 2 minutes before saying bowel sounds are absent
Where do you listen for arterial bruits?
Abdominal aorta
Renal arteries
Liver (hepatocellular carcinoma)
Spleen (AV fistula)
What causes the rubbing sound?
Inflammation of the capsule surrounding the organ, makes a rubbing sound when against the peritoneum
Deep breaths can make it easier to hear
What does a complete examination include?
Full abdominal examination, hernial orifices, male genitalia and DRE