GI Flashcards
nutrient and phytonutrients to improve intestinal permeability?
L-glatmine and N-acetyl-Glucosamine, zinc, and (GLA)
Hashimotos w/ or w/out GI symptoms should you screen for celiac?
Yes - presenting with autoimmune disease
most likely etiology of SIBO?
SIBO (5 - R gut restoration program)
Remove Replace (enzymes/etc.) Reinoculate (pre/pro) Repair (leaky gut) Rebalance (nervous system - stress/breathing)
3 factors for autoimmune disease
genetic predisposition, trigger, intestinal permeability
bile acid production and secretion
cholagogues - dandelion, bile salts, taurine, limonene, coffee, radishes, bitter greens, artichoke
Hypochlorhydria is increase by which of the following?
iron deficiency and fasting
what support SCFA production?
what celiac marker shows active exposure?
a low fecal pH may be associated with what conditions?
carbohydrate malabsorption, rapid fecal fat transit time, SIBO
what is the role of dairy in the low FODMAP diet?
lactose-free dairy products are allowed
What impact does candida albicans have on mucosal immunity?
lowers mucosal immunity.
If a patient meets criteria for IBS and has a normal calprotectin what is true regarding their risk of having IBD?
virtually no change of having IBD
37 yo F worsening atopic dermatitis and frequent colds - former competitive swimmer, log days as an attorney, often skips meals, what likely to find on stool test?
low sIgA
You are treating a 35‐year‐old female for psoriatic arthritis. You have made dietary changes and started her on EPA/DHA and vitamin D. You want to add two botanicals that act as anti‐inflammatories. The best choices are:
Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) and bromelain
Saccharomyces boulardii is most likely to be effective in which of the following conditions?
Clostridium difficile
Which of the following grains are not gluten‐free?
Kamut, triticale, farro
A 22‐year‐old male comes to see you with a diagnosis of microscopic colitis. Which of the following supplements would be the most useful intervention?
Curcumin and quercetin
A 64‐year‐old female presents with a 15‐year history of GERD (she’s on a proton pump inhibitor) and osteoporosis of the right hip and lumbar spine. She is thin, with a BMI of 20, and has the appearance of decreased muscle mass in her arms and legs. On 24‐hour diet recall, you ascertain that her protein intake is about 40 grams per day. Which tests or treatment would be most helpful to perform initially?
Assess using bioelectrical impedance analysis testing (BIA) and design a strength‐training program with adequate protein
Which of the following foods or supplements would be the best prebiotics?
Arabinogalactan, chickpeas, and garlic
Antibiotic use during childhood has been associated with the development of:
inflammatory bowel disease
47-year-old male comes to see you. He has recently undergone chemotherapy for prostate cancer, which is now in remission. He reports NSAID use for chronic knee pain and significant stress due to the cancer and job-related issues. Heis now complaining of food reactions. What is the most reasonable treatment plan to address his concerns?
Implement a 5R program to repair his increased intestinal permeability
A 33-year-old female has a two-year history of abdominal bloating that presents one to two hours post-prandial. She has abdominal discomfort, and alternates between loose stools and constipation. Which laboratory marker would best correlate to her clinical profile?
Depressed pancreatic elastase
A 48-year-old female presents with a history of iron deficiency anemia. She is moderately fatigued. She has been menopausal for the past three years and has infrequent night sweats. She does complain of some ongoing minor bloating directly after meals. You prescribe a highly absorbable form of iron and
Hydrochloric acid
A 45-year-old man complains of multiple GI-related symptoms, gradually increasing in severity over the last18 months. These include the urgency to have bowel movements soon after eating, belching and bloating soon after a meal, and increased flatulence. His symptom picture suggests
Hypochlorhydria. Your first intervention would be a trial of betaine HCL
A 28-year-old female presents with a six-month history of extreme lethargy and difficulty in concentration following a flu-like illness. A diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) was made, and a program of graded exercises wasrecommended. She tried that but found it exhausting. A CBC, ferritin, metabolic profile, Lyme panel, and hepatitis screen were all negative. You decide the next best step is to order the following test:
stool analysis
Which of the following supplements would be most appropriate for gastritis?
Zinc-carnosine, deglycyrrhizinated licorice
Higher beta-glucuronidase levels are associated with
Lower intake of carotenoid-containing foods
A 52-year-old male with a history of alcoholism presents with recurrent abdominal pain and diarrhea in the past six months. The diarrhea occurs after meals and does not wake the patient from sleep. He denies any gas or bloating but notes malodorous stools that float. Which of the following tests would likely be elevated?
total fecal fat
A 39-year-old female comes to see you complaining of gas and bloating after meals. You have a suspicion that she has small bowel bacterial overgrowth. What would be the best test to order?
hydrogen breath test
The following is a true statement regarding fecal calprotectin:
Levels of calprotectin have a proportional correlation to the degree of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.
Gut microbiota are capable of endogenously producing which vitamins
Vitamin B12, vitamin K