GI Flashcards
What is a gastroduodenostomy?
Billroth I: involves removing the distal two-thirds of the stomach with anastomosis of the remaining stomach to the duodenum.
- Following this surgery, clients need to remain NPO until bowel sounds return (want to prevent dumping syndrome)
- Want to encourage clients to turn, cough, and deep breathe while splinting the surgical site to prevent development of atelectasis.
- In postop period, keep head of bed elevated
Clogged NG tubes should be reported to the surgeon. T/F
TRUE: Attempting to flush of manipulate the device may disrupt line, cause hemorrhage or gastric perforation.
What is a known complication of TPN?
Hyperglycemia: If your patient is c/o excessive thirst, increased urination, abdominal pain, headache, fatigue, and blurred vision –> CHECK THEIR BG
How to resolve hyperglycemia? Slow down the infusion rate, reducing the amount of carbs in the TPN, or administering subcutaneous insulin
Acute pancreatitis goals/strategies:
- NPO status: NG tube is used to suction out gastric secretions
- Pain management: hydromorphone, fentanyl
- IV fluids
Administration of albumin following a para is to avoid what complication?
Clients receive albumin, which increases intravascular oncotic pressure resulting in increased intravascular fluid volume.
-Prevents hypotension and tachycardia
Good sources of vitamin D and calcium:
- Fish (sardines, salmon, trout)
- Tofu
- Some green veggies (spinach, kale, broccoli)
- Egg yolk
- Tuna